chapter 2

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The ringing of her phone alarm woke her up the next morning. She switched it off quickly, mumbling " 5more minutes". She fell right back to sleep. She was woken up by a hand on her shoulder. "Awuvuki namhlanje?" Are you not getting up today? Her mom asked. "Ngiyavuka" I am she answered. "Vuka phela"  well get up then, her mom said while pulling the blankets off her. She got up and checked the time. OMW! 5 minutes had turned into 45 minutes!!. She was gonna be late.
Liz jumped quickly out of bed and ran straight for the bathroom. She took the quickest bath known to mankind. Hurrying back to her bedroom she made her bed and rummaged through her clothes for something to wear. She was dressed and ready to go in 10 minutes flat. A record for her. She had just enough time to grab a quick sandwich before she left. She ate the sandwich while stuffing her jogging outfit into her backpack. She'd have to try and jog after work since didn't make it this morning. Luckily for her, she didn't have to catch a taxi because she worked about 30 minutes away from home. Time to hit the road. "Bye, ma" she shouted, running out the door.
She'd have to power walk now to get to work on time. She greeted a few people she knew along the way, but there was no time to stop and chat. Finally she made it. She was here and with a few minutes to spare.  As she open the gate and walked in she could hear the pitter patter of running feet. As she closed the gate behind her she heard her name being called over and over again. "Teacher Lizzy, Teacher Lizzy!" She turned around and there were her babies, all waiting for hugs. She opened her arms and they all through themselves at her, almost knocking each other down in the process. "Careful, careful" Liz said with a laugh, "don't push, everyone's gonna get a hug." It felt so good having all those warm tiny bodies pressed up against her. Is there any better way to start a day than with all this unconditional love being thrown your way? Liz thought to herself.

 Is there any better way to start a day than with all this unconditional love being thrown your way? Liz thought to herself

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Liz loved working with children. In fact actually preferred children to adults. Adults can be very tiring at times. As she was busy greeting the children and looking at and admiring all the new things "mommy bought me" her coworker Sam, came out of one of the classrooms smiling. "I swear you use some kind of voodoo on these children" she said. " They never get excited like this when I  come in". "Nothing of that kind" Liz laughs along with her. " we just understand each other". "Well yippie for you" Sam says dramatically " cause I have no idea what I'm doing with this little monsters. They don't even like me." Liz laughs quietly while ushering the children into the classroom. "Well, I can give you 2 pointers on how to get along with them" she said. "Number 1: stop talking to them as if they are hard of hearing, all that shouting you do is not helping"  and "number 2: stop calling them monsters" she said laughing out loud as her friend rolled her eyes. "Whatever" she said. " You know I don't like children, I'm just working here until something better comes along". "Anyway how was your jog this morning, miss physically fit?" Sam asked, changing the subject. She really didn't like working here with these snort nosed brats but, it beat sitting at home doing nothing. Jobs were hard to come by around here so you didn't have the luxury to turn your nose at any job that came your way. At least it paid the bills. Sam had promised herself that as soon as she had enough money she would leave South Africa. There had to be better opportunities out there somewhere. Sam suddenly realised that she had been day dreaming and missed some of what Liz was saying to her. "Wait, wait" she said, cutting Liz off mid sentence. " what did say about a black car?" Liz rolled her eyes. Sam tended to space out during conversations, resulting in Liz having to constantly repeat herself. She supposed she should be used to it by now. " I said I saw this beautiful black car and I turned and ran" she repeated. "Why did you run?" Sam asked looking genuinely confused. " I was alone on a deserted road with this huge car, what was I supposed to do?" Liz asked. "You are such a drama queen though, Liz. The person in the car probably didn't even see you. He was probably minding his own business and hurrying home after work. Or he could have been your future boo. But you had to go and act like a scaredy cat and run away". Now it was Liz's turn to role her eyes. Sam was always going on about finding a rich boo to sweep her off her feet and take her away from theses "snot nosed brats" as she puts it. "It could also have been a lady driving the she said" getting up to round up the children for their morning ring. "Wait" Sam said " describe this car to me again". "You know I don't know anything about cars" Liz said. "It was big and it was black" that's all I have for you. "Okay" Sam said "but did it look like the kind of car a lady would drive?". "I don't know Sam" Liz was starting to get frustrated now. What did it matter what kind of car it was anyway. "Come on" Liz said "lets get to work, these children are starting to get rowdy ".  "One more question" Sam said, holding up one finger for emphasis. Liz sighed. She knew that she would have no peace until Sam was done. "Fine, make it quick before we get into trouble". "Okay " Sam said "would YOU drive that car?" " Me?" Liz asked, thinking about for a minute. "Well, like I said it's a lovely car but no, I don't think I'd want to drive it. It's to high for me. It would take forever just to get into it, nevermind reaching the pedals". Sam looked thoughtful. "So, the only reason you wouldn't drive it is because it's high. So it could have been a lady driving the car. As we all know there are plenty of ladies who are way, waaay taller than-" "okay enough now" Liz cut her off. " I'm not short!! That car is just  built too high that's all".  " now let's get to work". Sam huffed and followed Liz inside. "I still thing the driver is your future boo and if you don't want him Liz I can take im off your hands" "you can have him" Liz said as she started the children on their favorite nursery rhymes.

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