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They had left Mcdonalds and were driving back to Jason's house. There was silence in the car until Liz broke it. "Well, do you think she got the message" she asked. "I don't know, but if she didn't then she must be blind or very dense." He said as he turned into his drive way. "Looks like we beat the truck here." He said. "This gives me a chance to show you how the nursery is painted." She undid her seatbelt as he opened her door and helped her out. They got the baby and went inside. When they got to the nursery Liz was speechless. The was were yellow and there where Disney characters on the walls. There was Winnie the pooh and his friend Piglet. There was Tiger bouncing in the corner. There was rabbit eating a carrot. They'd even gotten eayore looking as sad as he always did. "Oh my gosh! Jason! This is wonderful, I love it! I love it!" She said jumping up and down. She took Lu on a tour of the room, showing her all the different characters. Lu seemed to be just as excited as Liz as she was giggling and clapping like mad. "I think Lu loves it too." She said as they turned to look at Jason who was still standing at the door. He was glad they liked  it. He made the painter's work over time to get it ready by today. Seeing them smile made his heart happy. He loved seeing his girls smile. Wait, what? Where did that come from? His girls? What? He shook his head as if to clear it. "Are you okay?" Liz asked looking at him with concern. "Yes, I'm fine he said quickly. "I think I hear the truck, I'll just go and check" and ran out.

When he came back Liz was at the window and Lu was sitting on a blanket on the floor with toys all around her. "She can sit on her own?" He asked surprised. Liz turned from the window. "Yes, she's been doing that since last week. Was that the movers?" Liz asked. Jason was still amazed by Lu sitting up all by herself, but he managed to nod yes to Liz's question. "They'll be up in a few minutes with the furniture." Liz decided to get out of the way so they could work. She picked Lu up and took her to Jason's room since it was the only one with a bed. She changed and feed her and put her down for a nap. She then went to check the progress on the nursery. She saw men moving furniture around. Jason saw her and asked where she wanted them to put the changing station. "There by the window so I can take advantage of all that natural light." They spent the afternoon with Liz telling them where she wanted items to go and the guys moving everything  to where she wanted. At last they werr done and the guys left. Jason decided to order some take aways for supper. They sat and watched t.v while they waited for the food.

The food soon arrived and they tucked in. "So, do you like how the nursery turned out?" Jason asked. "Yes, I love it!"
"I must say I was surprised when I asked you about your favorite cartoon character and you said Winnie the pooh."
"What's wrong with Winnie the pooh?"
"Nothing. I just thought you'd go for Cinderella or something. I thought all girls loved princes and knights in shining armour."
"I always thought Prince Charming had some gay tendencies."
"What?" He asked with a grin
"He always looked to be well put together and the stockings? Come on. As for the knight, can you imagine that shining armour under the South African sun? It would be blinding! And the put knight would be sweating buckets in that suit of armour."
Now Jason was laughing fully with tears running down his face. "I never thought if it like that, it does make sense though." He said wiping his eyes
"So you don't like any of the Disney princes."
"I like Alladin"
"Wait isn't he a thief?"
"He's a hustler. And he ends up marrying princess Jasmine so he  becomes a prince."
"So you like a self made man?"
"Yes, definitely"
Liz started clearing up the table. She washed their plates and glasses and wiped down the counter. "I think it's for Lu and I to leave." She said. "When are you moving in?" Jason asked. "What?"
"We agreed that you would move in once the nursery was done."
"What about my room?"
"All your room needed was a bed and it came in now with Lu's stuff."
"Oh, well I'll need time to pack, so maybe we'll move in at the weekend."
"Not maybe. Definitely. This house is very quiet with just me in it."
"Okay then. Saturday we are moving in" Jason smiled and was about to say something when his phone rang. Liz told him to answer it while she got ready to leave.

When she came back down with the baby, she found him sitting on the arm of the couch, looking worried. "What's wrong?" She asked putting the baby on the couch and standing in front of him. "That was mom on the phone. They are coming to Stacy during the week." He said "that's a good thing, right?" She asked rubbing his arm. "I suppose so, but what if she upsets her and makes her condition worse?". "I'm sure your mom understands the seriousness of her condition and wont upset. Maybe she's just trying to make amends." Liz said giving him a hug. "I suppose you're right" he said, holding on tight to Liz. "We should get going." Liz said moving out of his arms. Jason immediately felt empty and he turned around and picked up the baby to fill the space left by Liz. He didn't know why he felt this way and didn't have time to analyze it.

"Come on let's go." He said opening the door for Liz. Liz picked up the daiper bag and walked out. This was the first time Jason had picked up the baby on his own without being asked to. She wondered if he realized that.

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