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Today was the day Jason finally married the love of his life. He couldn't wait. He was so excited. The only down side was that Liz had stayed at her mom's house last night so he hadn't slept well. But it was nothing a strong cup of coffee couldn't fix. Leo came into the kitchen  for some coffee. He greeted Jason and asked him if he was nervous.
"You've been asking me that for the past week. Can you stop already." Jason said.
"I'm your best man dude. I'm just doing my best man duties."
"For the last time I'm not nervous. I'm excited. I can't wait to make Liz my wife." He said smiling.
"Well you'd better hit the shower then. We don't want to be late" Leo said.
"I thought it was fashionable to be late."
"Yeah it is. For the bride. Not you mr. So get to showering" Leo said as he went to get ready.

Liz was also getting ready at her house. She had Sam and her sisters to help her. Her mom was getting herself and Lu ready. They were almost ready to leave. Sam was in tears. "I can't believe you're getting married chommie" she said. "Me either. I'm nervous and excited at the same time. Please stop crying chommie you gonna make me start now." Liz said as I eyes filled with tears. "Don't you dare!" The make up artist said taking a tissue and dabbing Liz's eyes. Her mom came in and exclaimed at how beautiful Liz looked.  She told them it was time to go to the church. They climbed into the cars and off they went. They got to the church and just had time to take a few pics of Liz and her brother and sisters and Sam ofcourse.

 They got to the church and just had time to take a few pics of Liz and her brother and sisters and Sam ofcourse

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Then it was time for the ceremony to start. Liz was nervous as she took her brother's arm and he  lead her down the aisle. The moment she saw Jason all her nervousness disappeared. He looked at her as if she was the only girl on the world. As she locked eyes with him it felt like it was just the two of them in the church. Liz didn't remember walked down the aisle. In fact she didn't even remember the ceremony. It felt so surreal like it was happing to someone else. She didn't even remember saying her vows. But she must have said them because the next thing she knew, she was running up the aisle hand in hand with her new husband. She had a husband! Everyone was cheering and clapping as they made out the church. It was now time for the photographs. Leo was part photographer and part best man. Liz had asked him how he would do it and he had said to leave everything to him. He made it work. Liz was not sure how he managed to be in the photo and take the photo and the same time but he did it. The lunch served was superb. Then it was time to change into her second gown for the evening.

 Then it was time to change into her second gown for the evening

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They were now ready for the reception

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They were now ready for the reception. It was amazing! The food, the decor and all their friends and families looking their  best and having the time of their lives. What made Liz even happier was the fact that Mrs Jones had finally accepted her. She was such a loving granny to Lu you would never guess that they had a rocky start. They danced and partied the whole night. Jason was taking Liz on a Safari for their honeymoon. They were leaving Lu in the loving hands of her grandparents.

They enjoyed the Safari. They  saw lot's of animals and took a lot of photos as Leo had insisted.

 They  saw lot's of animals and took a lot of photos as Leo had insisted

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Unfortunately they had to come back early

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Unfortunately they had to come back early. Liz had caught some kind of bug and wasn't feeling well at all. She insisted that they should finish out the week they had booked. Jason was having none of that. He said they were going home so Liz could be checked out by their own doctor. "I didn't marry you just to loose you within a week of the wedding." He said. They packed up and went back home. The following day they had an appointment with the doctor. Liz found out that she was pregnant that day. She was in shock. She had not expected that. Had not even suspected it since they were so careful. Jason was over the moon. He couldn't believe he was going to be a dad! Lu was going to be a big sister. He hugged Liz tight. " Life with you will never be boring." He said laughing out loud.

" He said laughing out loud

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