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When he came to fetch them that afternoon, he took the baby and strapped her into the car seat. He came to Liz and kissed her before helping her into the car. Liz spoken to Sam about all this kissing and touching and Sam had said: "go with the flow, see where it leads." Liz decided to take Sam's advice.

When they got home, Liz gave Lu a bath and put her to bed. Jason ordered pizza while Liz had a shower.
It was hot so Liz put on her short PJ's. She went to the kitchen to wash and sterilize all of Lu's bottles. She heard Jason coming in. She grabbed a dish cloth and turned to face him as she wiped her hands. "I thought you said Leo was coming today."
"He's here already. He's taking a nap. I'll get him when the pizza's here."
Jason moved closer and Liz backed away until she bumped into the counter behind. "What are you doing?" She asked. "Just admiring the beauty in front of me." He said reaching out to caress her cheek. "You are beautiful" he said "and those lips" he said as he ran his thumb over her bottom lip. Then replaced his thumb with his lips. He kissed her slow and deep until she moaned and put her arms around his neck. He lifted her up and placed her on the counter as he stood between her legs. He ran his  hands along her thighs enjoying the feel of her smooth skin. He released her mouth and nibbled on her ear lobe as they caught their breath. He nuzzled her neck, leaving a trail of hot wet kisses as he made his way back to her mouth. This time the kiss was hot and fast. As their tongues battled for dominance, he slipped his hand under her PJ top. He caressed her stomach, making her muscles contract in pleasure. His hand moved  higher towards her breast. He cupped it in his hand, making Liz moan in pleasure as he began to massage it. He flicked his thumb over the nipple, making her gasp and arch her back, which pushed her breast further into his hand. He was about to do it again when there was  a cough behind him. He stood still for a moment trying to pull himself together. Then he slowly removed his hand from under Liz's top, before turning around to glare at Leo.

"Hello lovebirds" Leo said waving at them from the door way. "Don't you guys have a room where you can do all this?"  If looks could kill, Leo would be dead from the look Jason was giving him. "This is our house. Every room we are in is our room." He said as he helped Liz off the counter. Liz ran over to Leo as soon as her feet were on the ground. She gave him a hug. "Hey babe, I heard you are doing a photography assignment. Can I be your model?" She asked striking a pose. Leo laughed at her. "Not this time love." He said spinning her around and making her laugh."This time it's all about trees and plants. I was even thinking of shooting all this sugarcane you guys have growing all around you."  Jason walked up to them and pulled Liz out of Leo's arms and into his own. "How long is this assignment of yours going to take?" He asked wrapping his arms around Liz's waist. "About a week tops. Why? Am I cramping your style?" He asked Jason with a smirk. Before Jason could answer thw door bell rang. "That must be the pizza." He said letting go of Liz and reaching for his wallet. Liz used the opportunity to run upstairs and check on the baby.

When she came back down, the guys had the pizza on plates and had poured the drinks. She sat next to Leo so should could hear all about his assignment. After eating they sat together on the couch chatting and laughing. Jason sat across from them saying nothing. He kept giving them the stink eye. "Aren't you supposedto be studying accounting?" He suddenly asked feeling annoyed that they were ignoring him. "I changed that a while ago" Leo said surprised that his cousin payed enough attention to him to even remember what he was studying. "Anyway, I'm glad you are here." Liz said changing the subject. "Even though I'm not going to be modelling for you."
"Don't worry love, there are still a lot of assignments coming up. That beautiful chocolate skin of yours would look wonderful on camera." He said brushing his hand up and down her arm. Liz smiled at him and Jason suddenly got to his feet. "Okay, bedtime" he said pulling Liz to her feet. "Goodnight Leo" Liz tried to  pull away, but he just picked her up and carried her upstairs. They got to his room and he closed the door and pushed her up against it. "What's wrong with you? Why were you so rude to Leo " Liz asked
"Me? What's wrong with you? Flirting with him in front of me?
"What? I was not flirting. I told you Leo's gay."
"I don't care. That doesn't give him the right to call you "love" and why are you still calling him "babe" I thought we discussed that".
"It just slips out. I don't do it intentionally."
"Well, I don't like it. How come it doesn't slip out when you are talking to me?"
"O my gosh! Not this again. Fine I'll call you babe from now on. Will that make you happy?"
"No, that's what you call him. Call me something else." He said caressing her face. "How about "Jason?" That's your name right?"
"What about "baby?" He asked kissing her before she could reply. She pushed him away and said "fine, goodnight baby" as she turned to open the door. "Where are you going?" He asked grabbing her hand. "To the guestroom. I don't like sleeping next to jealous pretend boyfriends."
"I'm sorry." Jason said trying to pull her into a hug. Liz just pushed him away and told him to check on the baby cause she was off to bed. "Goodnight baby." She said and walked off.

Liz slept peacefully in the guestroom. When she woke up in the morning she felt an arm around her waist. She turned around and came face to face with Jason. She slapped him in the chest causing him to wake up suddenly. He opened his eyes and smiled at her as he moved in for a kiss. Liz moved her head away. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "You know I can't sleep when you are not there." He said. "So you followed me?"
"It was the  only way I could get some sleep" he said pulling her closer. "You're not still mad at me are you?" He asked kissing her neck. Liz was still mad but that kiss felt so good, she turned her head to give him  more access. He kissed up to her lips and slipped is tongue into her mouth. He groaned at how good her body felt pressed to his. He climbed on top of her and started caressing her thighs when suddenly the door bust open. He quickly jumped of her to see what was going on. "You guys were really serious about every room in this house being yours." Leo said, coming in with the baby in his arms. "And your'll leave the baby by herself. You guys are nasty" he said giving the baby to Liz and walking out. "I have a lecture to get to. Bye." And he was gone.

"This guy and his timing though." Jason grumbled running his hands through his hair. "How long is he staying again?"
"A week Liz said.
Leo ended up staying a month.

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