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"So i saw how you were basically pushed out of your own house is everything okay" Ben said still looking at the road and breaking the silence.

" Um no everything's fine my friend is just annoying"
"Oh okay."
"anything special you would like to do once we're done eating?" Ben asked
" umm i can't think of anything at the moment but if i do i will let you know"
"I was thinking maybe... the club" Ben said just to see how she would respond.

"how about a hell no maybe. We all know how that went down." Miranda looked at him crazy

"I was joking calm down baby" . Ben parks the car and looks straight at Miranda.

"I promise i will make this date as safe as possible. i don't want to make you feel like you can't be comfortable or safe around me. Just let me know when you aren't so we can leave or do something different okay?" Ben took her hand and kissed it.
"Okay" Miranda said blushing

Ben got out the car and went around to open her door. Ben looks her up and down and bites his lip.
"Did i already tell that you look absolutely stunning tonight"
"Yes but i love to hear it again" Miranda said wrapping her arm around his.

Once they walked in the restaurant it was almost empty but there was one more couple in there.

"Table for Warren" Ben say to the waiter

"Right this way" waiter said pointing them to their table

The waiter sat them across the room far away from the other couple.

Ben pulled the chair out for Miranda and push her in to the table.

"So how was your day today" Ben said settling in his chair.

"It was pretty busy how about yours"
"It was about the same"

There was a slience of them looking around then heard the couple across the room laughing at the top of their lungs.

"Now i know whatever their laughing at is not that damn funny" Miranda looked over squinting to see who it is. It was Tucker.

"Omg" she smacked her hand into her face.
"What's wrong" Ben was concerned

"Nothing im sorry. I just realized my ex husband is one of those people over there" she took a huge gulp of her wine.

"We can leave if you want to"Ben reached out for her hand.

"No no i will not let nobody ruin our first tonight okay. Let's just ignore them and hope they don't interact with us so let's continue. what we're saying" Miranda said focusing all her attention back on him

"Well i was asking if you had any plans for tomorrow because there is a carnival coming into town" Ben licked his lip

"yea i would lov.." Miranda
"Hey Mandy"

Miranda closed her eyes deeply inhaling then exhaling. Before she was going to say something Ben said something for her.

"Excuse me do you mind we were talking do you need something" Ben said to the man standing in front of them.
Miranda looked grinned at tucker.
"Excuse me i said Mandy are you Mandy"

"No but she obviously don't want to talk. So why are you still standing here" Ben gave tucker a irritated look then leaned back into his chair letting go her hand.

"Ben" Miranda said giving him the signal to calm down and i got this.

"What do you want tucker and stop calling me Mandy it's Miranda"

"Well Mandy i wanted to know where is my child"
"Our child..." she corrected him

"Well our child is at home with his aunt safe and sound. Is that all or do you want to know my social security number as well"

"Babe what taking you so long. We have a.." a women came up to tucker and wrapping her arm around his.

"Veronica"Ben sighed
" hi Ben" Veronica said waving at him.
Ben didn't respond.

"How you know him" tucker asked her
"I used to date him but broke up with me a few months ago for her" pointing at Miranda.

"First of all we weren't even official. I just used you for sex."
"That's not what you were saying in my ear that you wanted to put a baby in me." Veronica mumbled under her breath

Ben heard her and didn't say anything but Miranda had enough

"Listen tucker you better get her before i do. I'm trying to have a nice little dinner but yo little hoe is ruining it for me. Miranda said standing up.

"I'll show what a this little hoe can do" Veronica ready to fight but tucker held her back.

Tucker put Veronica over his shoulder.
"Okay we are leaving goodbye I'll get tuck tomorrow"

"Next time i see you i will kick your ass Miranda" Veronica screamed out the door.

Miranda smiled waving at Veronica getting carried out the door.

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