I Hate That Stupid Little Pink Plus Sign...

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This is my second book on Wattpad, so I am not that great of a writer yet. I really hope to become better so could anyone up to it, give me some writing tips? I kind of need them... badly haha. My other story is "My Life From A-Z." I would appreciate if you checked it out and commented. Thanks!

(**NOTE: This story is no longer on Wattpad**)

Bailey's POV

I quickly ran into the drug store, my stomach was in a knot and I was hoping what I thought wasn't true. I grabbed what I needed off of the shelf and ran up front to pay. The guy checking me out was a kid at my school. His name was Eddie and he was very cute. I had never really talked to him before except the occasional 'hi' in the hallway, so he had no reason to stare with his gorgeous green eyes. Since the 1st grade I have had a crush on him and every year it just gets bigger and bigger. I just hope that he doesn't spread a rumor tomorrow about my purchase. If he does I wont be too happy.

"Please don't tell anyone." I say.

"Don't worry I wont. I have seen many girls from school come in here to buy the same thing that you just did." He assures me.

"Thank you so much!" I gave him a short hug, grabbed my bag, and leave the store into my 2010 silver Porsche. My parents are rich, but I am not that spoiled. Heck I am barley spoiled at all. If I was spoiled then I would have the 2011 one. I practically had to beg my parents to buy this one. With me being the oldest of 5 kids, my parents hardly ever talk to me anymore. With a 3 month old baby in the house, the hardly talk to any of us. There is me (17), Tyson (13), May (10), Jackson [Jack] (5), and now Emily (3 months). I am usually the one that cooks dinner and drives all of us places, which really isn't fair. While they aren't at work, the are playing with Emily, although she is so little. Anyway, I get situated in the car and look through the window to look at Eddie. He is smiling like crazy. I hope its at me. I know a silly little school girl crush, but hey I cant help it. Blame it on the hormones.

I get to my 3 story house, park my car, grab my bag run upstairs into the bathroom, and lock the door behind me. I open the box, and take out all three tests. Luckily, I had to pee badly so I didn't have to wait for that urge. After doing my business, I lay all three of the tests on the counter.

To pass the 5 minutes, I go into my room. My room is fairly big but not super big. The walls are painted a soft shade of lavender, but they are covered with a whole bunch of pictures of me and my friends. Against one wall is my queen sized bed, which is made neatly courtesy of the maid my parents hired after May was born so that they didn't have to do any dirty work. Directly across from that mounted on the wall is my 36'' plasma screen t.v. Kinda huge, but I don't mind. I have my walk in closet filled with clothes that I don't wear, and little things kind of sprinkled around my room.

After what I think is 5 minutes, I go back into my bathroom. I look a the test and they read: Pregnant, Not Pregnant, and Pregnant. So, I take it as I am pregnant.Great. My parents are going to kill me. I have to tell my boyfriend before my parents, or the other way around?

Oh well, that's the way I am doing it. I grab my iPhone and send a text to Nathan. It read 'Hey babe. Um I have some hard news. I'm pregnant.' I sent the text, and wait anxiously for a text back.

10 minutes later I got one I would never forget. It said 'Wow stupid excuse to break up with me. Whatever we are through. And by the way, I was cheating on you the whole time with Kaitlyn.' Kaitlyn was the school slut. She even tried to get into the principals pants. After that text I was balling my eyes out. Eventually, I fell asleep.

Eddie's POV

I saw her running down the same isle most teenage girls run through. Oh god! Not her. She doesn't deserve this. She is pretty, smart, and I have been in love with her since 1st grade. Since I was the only register open tonight, she reluctantly came to my lane. I grabbed the box, scanned it and told her the price. She handed me a $5, and said

"Please don't tell anyone." Right away I said

"Don't worry I wont. I have seen many girls from school come in here to buy the same thing that you just did, " which is true. Manly the person that comes in there alot is Kaitlyn, which I expect.

"Thank you so much" she said and leaned over the counter to give me a hug. Right when she hugged me a smile grew on my face. Wow, did I really have that big of a crush on her? I watched her get into her car, and I turned around. There was an old guy needing to buy a heating pad.

"$3.67 please." He handed me $4 and I gave him his change. The whole night I couldn't stop thinking about Bailey. I wondered what the results were, then instantly became jealous because I knew the baby if there was one, wasn't mine.

So... what did you think? I really hope you like it :) I want to continue this no matter what feedback I get but I will want to post more if I get feedback :) Thanks so much for reading :)

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