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So I know it’s been FOREVER, but please forgive me? :)

This chapter has the “Dreaded Night” in it ‘Flashback’ mode and I know that the flashback is SUPER long, but please bear with me? :P

Go on…



“WHAT IS THIS?????!!!!!!!!!” My mother shouted at me, referring to the ultra sound photos on the wall. Well, I guess it was bound to happen eventually. It was now Saturday morning… 7:32 am to be exact, and the only thing that was on my mind was going back to sleep.

“Ultra sound photos.” I said barley.


“Mine.” I said my voice barley a whisper. I knew I had it coming.




‘Not really’ I thought, but dared not to say out loud.

“Well, it happened the day I went to the party….


I woke up Saturday morning to the sound of my phone going of signaling I had a new text message. It was from Nathan. Nathan. Whenever I heard that name it gave me butterflies. He is and will always be my first love.

‘Hey babe.’ It read ‘Want to go 2 a party 2nte?’ I had to think about it. I am not a party girl. I’m more of a girl who would rather spend her Saturday nights cuddled in the chair in the corner of her room and cuddle with the fresh new hard back romance book she bought at Barnes and Noble that day. But, I figured since it was for Nathan that I would go.

‘I guess… Pick me up at 8?’ A minute later another text came.

‘Course. C u soon.”

Of course, while waiting for your boyfriend to pick you up to go to some party, you can never find anything to do. While trying to clean my already clean room (complements of the maid) my mom barged in.

“I need you to babysit May today. Ty’s at his friend’s house, Jack’s with your father and Emily will go with me.”

“Why can’t you just take May too? I sort of have plans tonight,”

“I can’t take May. There would be too many of us. Well I will back by 8:30 tonight, just make your plans start then.”

“Ugh! Fine I guess. See you later.”

“Bye Sweetheart. Love you!” She called to me while going down the stairs. I shut and locked my door and went to take a shower. Cleaning my room always made me feel dirty, no matter how clean it is.

I got out and put on a towel. I walked out of my bathroom and ran my hands threw my hair. I looked up and saw May sitting on my bed.


“Dude, chill! I wanted to come and talk to you, but you were in the shower. No harm done!”

“Ya... Except for the heart attack you gave me! How’d you even get in here? I made sure I locked my door before I got in.”

She smirked and pulled out the single bobby pin from her hair.

“Dude! Get out!” I said pointing to my bedroom door. She put her hands up in surrender and left. She is really smart for a 10 year old. I triple checked that I locked my door before I took off my towel. I put on a bandage on my freshly made cut from shaving. Ya I have been shaving for like 5 years and I still cut myself on accident... Ya ya ya whatever.

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