I Hate That Stupid Little Pink Plus Sign...

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Hey Hey :)

So this is the second chapter of IHTSLPPS :)

Kind of a long title huh? Haha

So here is the second chapter hope you like it :)

Eddie's POV

The first thing I did in the morning when I got to school was go directly to Bailey's locker. Immediately I was stopped by her... Kaitlyn. God I hate her.

"Hi babe." she said as she touched my chest, by going underneath my shirt. That was weird and uncomfortable.

"Umm... Hi, and I am not your 'babe' so back off." She was upset but stomped away on her stilettos. I gave my friends the 'man hug' and went to her locker. She wasn't there and didn't show up even when the bell rang. When it did ring I went to my English 4 Honors class. Hey, I maybe the star of the football team, but I am pretty smart. By the time lunch came, I saw her sitting alone at the table she usually sits at. She looked beautiful, but sad at the same time. Maybe that meant that the test was positive, negative, I don't really know. Again, Mr. Jealousy came and punched me in the heart. Out of the corner of my eye I see her boyfriend and Kaitlyn making out in the corner of the cafeteria.

When I turned to look at Bailey I realized that they had broken up, and that is why she is crying. A tear rolled down her cheek. She got up and dumped her food in the trash (uneaten I might say) and ran away. I did the same thing to follow her. I saw her running towards the girls' bathroom. Before she went in, I grabbed her arm and spun her around so that she was hugging me. She cried for 37 minutes before she finally looked up to see who the person was that was holding her.

"Eddie?" Her voice was so soft and sweet.

"It's okay. I will be here with you whenever you need me." I said reassuring her. She immediately went back to crying in my chest. The bell rang signaling that is was the end of lunch, but I didn't care and neither did she because she didn't move an inch. I was receiving looks and she was too. At this moment I didn't care who stared. All I knew is that she was in my arms, something I have always wanted.

Bailey's POV

Last night I cried myself to sleep. It hurts to have your boyfriend to break up with you, but to break up with you because he thinks you're lying when you say your pregnant is even worse. When I woke up this morning, I realized I was 15 minutes.  I quickly got dressed, ran a brush threw my hair, grabbed a pop tart and ran to school. I had forgotten to get Tyson and May, but hopefully my parents will understand because I was late to school. I zoomed down to the school, and found a parking space. Immediately I ran to A.P Euro Class without putting my stuff in my locker, which sucked.

The 4 classes before lunch went by SLOW! Finally lunch came and I ran to the cafeteria so I don't have to wait forever to get my lunch. After grabbing a slice of pizza, and apple, and a root beer, I went to my usual table. I sat down and noticed Nathan and Kaitlyn making out in the corner of the lunch room. Without my food even touched, I threw it away, and ran to the security of the girls' restroom. Right before I got there, someone embraced my into a hug. I didn't know who it was, but I didn't care. After crying for a long time I finally look up to see who it was.

"Eddie?" I asked. My voice was soft from crying.

"It's okay I will be here for you whenever you need me." He assured me. After he said that, it had brought a whole new round of crying. The bell rang, but I didn't even move. I molded perfectly with his body. I knew I was receiving looks, but at this point I didn't care. I knew I loved him and I was pretty dang sure he loved me too.

Eddie's POV

"Do you want to get out if here for a while?" I asked her, praying she would say yes. At this point she had stopped crying but we were still hugging in the front of the girls' bathroom.

"Sure. I need to get away for a while." She said. We went to our cars and decided to drop her car off at her house and we would just use mine. We got into my convertible top black mustang, and agreed on going to McDonald's. When we arrived, we both ordered a MnM McFlurry. We sat down at a two sitter, and she stared at the 3 year olds playing on the playground.

"That will be me someday, chasing my kids around the McDonalds playground. So that affirms that she's pregnant.

"I just want to let you know that I will always be there for you." I said. She started to get tears in her eyes, but a smile grew on her face.

"Thank you so much... for everything." She said. I just nodded my head.



"I love you." WTF! I cannot believe I said that out loud. Im screwed. She looked shocked, at first but then said,

"I love you too." Then I leaned over the table and kissed her. When our lips met, it was like heaven! She kissed me back with passion. This was by far the best kiss I have ever had.

Sorry for taking so long to upload! I have been so busy, and I had to write this chapter. I have the next chapter written so I will post it whenever I can. It just takes so long to type it lol. Thanks for reading! Bye! :)

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