IHTSLPPS Chapter 3

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Hey :)

So this is the third chapter of IHTSLPPS. I love this chapter :) I don’t know why, I just do.

So anyway… get to reading :)

Bailey’s POV

That kiss was amazing! I hadn’t expected it just like when he told me he loves me. Right now we are walking hand in hand into the school building. A couple of angry eyes glanced our way, but nothing will make me let go of his hand. That is until Kaitlyn… I just don’t know what her problem is! She came over to us and kissed Eddie. Right in front of me too! And to top it off, she slapped me across the face! You could tell that Eddie was mad and I was too! He was my boyfriend now, so she doesn’t have the right! So, I went straight up to her and said,

“How many guys do you kiss a day? 25?”

“Actually Hailey, its 37, just today and so far, 2 of them have been from your boyfriends.” She smirked. “Watch in a week or two, Eddie will be mine.”

“First of all, my name is Bailey, and second of all you will never get Eddie from me.” Now it was my turn to smirk.

“Wanna see?” She said. She walked over to Eddie and kissed him again. This time I saw her tongue slide in his mouth. Then she grabbed him… down there. And then she left.

“38 now.” She smirked yet again.

I looked at Eddie, and his mouth was wide open, while his friends we saying,

“Ya man!” and patting him on the back.

“Oh it’s on!” I said and slapped her in the face, then kneed her in the stomach. ‘Wait’ I thought. I’m pregnant. What if something happens to the baby?’ Right then she punched me in the nose. It hurt like crazy, and immediately it started bleeding. With one hand, I held my nose and with the other I grabbed Eddie’s hand, who by the way was still in shock from the kissing problem.

As we were running away, Kaitlyn yelled,

“That’s right baby. Run away!” and she clacked away on her stilettos. We kept on running until we reached the nurse. When we got there she asked,

“Oh my, what happened?”

Out of breath I said,

“Um… I ran into a locker?”

“Ah. Silly children.” She said as she put a gauze around my nose.

“Looks as if it’s broken.” She said, and I winced because she touched it.

“I will take her to the hospital.” Eddie announced.

“Good idea.” Replied the nurse. Once again I we went into Eddie’s car, but this time to the hospital.

When we got to the hospital, we went to urgent care. We put my name in, and sat down to fill out the paper work. On the paper we checked ‘Possible Broken Bone’ and ‘Possible Pregnancy.’

We returned the paper, and a few minutes later, a nurse called for me.

“Bailey Smith?”

I got up and grabbed Eddie’s hand. When we got inside she said,

“I’m just going to take your height, weight, blood pressure, and heart rate.” I nodded and shortly after she was done.

She led us to a small room and told me to sit on the chair thingy.

“The doctor will be right with you.” After waiting 10 minutes, the doctor finally came.

“Hi Bailey, I am Dr. Martinez pleased to meet you.” She stuck out her hand and I shook it with my free hand.

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