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Chp 6

Hey! So 2 Chapters within a short distance from each other!! Hope that there are some of you that are still reading it!! :)

Enjoy! :P

I woke up with an excruciating head ache. And then it hit me. I rushed to the bathroom and poured out everything I have ever eaten in my life... Or it felt that way at least. I was thinking about how much my life sucks and then another barf-a-thon hit me. It rushed out of my body as fast as a race car on a race car track goes.

When I was sure all of my contents, including internal organs, are done coming out of me I went and laid on my bed. My mom is taking the whole pregnancy thing very well. Better than I expected her to, with me not telling her and all. She told my father, who opposite of her is very disappointed in me. He thinks I am a better person than that. I am. It was a mistake. Everybody is aloud to have one big mistake in their life aren’t they? No, I’m not saying my babies are a mistake; it’s just that I could have had better planning then that. I’m surprised my mother convinced him to let me stay at home. Yes, when he found out he told me to leave but my mother talked him into letting me stay, which is a good thing.

“Bailey, Bailey!” My little brother Jack calls. “Come play Superman with me!” he says as he rushes into my room. He sees me laying down on my bed looking sick and he went into 5 year old doctor mode. Although he is little he loves his big sister. Its funny because you would think that he would be attached to Ty and May would be attached to me but nope. Now that I think about I never see Ty anymore even though I go to school with him.

With the touch of Jackson’s cold hand on my forehead wakes me up from my little day dream.

“I learned that from my friend’s mommy. When we were at his house Mike said he wasn’t feeling good so his mommy put her hand on his head like this.” He said and did it again. I laughed and said that I was just okay. He looked relieved and I could see the Spiderman playing time look back on his face.

I then asked him if our mom had told him about my baby. He said no and then asked where babies came from.

“Look at my belly. Do you see how its puffed out? That’s because there are two babies in there.” He put his hand just above my belly button and he decided he didn’t feel anything, so he took his hand off.

“That’s because the babies aren’t big enough to move yet.” His face went from happy to worried in an instant.

“You ate the baby?! Bailey ate the baby!” He started screaming that down the hall of our house. I heard him screaming in his room with the door closed. I started laughing hard when my mom walked into my room with a questioned look on her face. I told her that I said to him that the babies were in my stomach and he started to freak out thinking I ate them. She too broke into a fit of laughter.

When we calmed down from laughing was when Emily decided to cry. I cant believe she’s already 6 months old! My mom got up to get her and then returned with a still crying baby in her arms. She handed her to me and Emy immediately stopped crying. She loves me. When all of the kids were little they were all attached to me, but as they grew up they became distant to me. Look at May now. She’s the most devious 10 year old I know! Without me even noticing my mom had left the room, she had returned with Jackson and he said sorry and then gave me the ice cream face. I gave Emily to my mom and she nodded her head. She made a follow me gesture with her finger and Jack and I followed her into the Emy’s nursery and then to the kitchen were she told me I had to get all of the kids ice cream, and handed me a $20. 

I ran up the stairs and once I got into my room I locked the door. I didn’t want the May incident to happen again. I searched my closet in hopes of finding something. I finally decided on wearing a pair of black skinny jeans with one of Eddie’s shirts. I inhaled his scent that flowed off of the shirt and was more than satisfied. Since my hair was a mess I quickly ran a brush through it and was out my bedroom door.

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