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*****!!!!PLEASE READ RECAP!!!!*****

Hey! I know it’s been like forever since I lasted uploaded, but please forgive me :) Any who… Please read the recap… I forgot to add something to the end of the last chapter, so I added a recap. Thanks :P

Also haha, 2 things…

1) I am changing them to seniors

2) I am skipping ahead 2 ½ months


Eddie’s POV:

We ate our food and left to her house. Because her parents weren’t home I went inside. We went to her room. We started kissing, but soon I broke it up.



“I just want to let you know that Kaitlyn will never, ever, get me from you.” She smiled and we started making out.

Baileys POV:

I am 3 months and I have been sticking out a lot more lately. I haven’t really had the nerve to tell my parents about the baby, but I might have to soon. I’m huge! They do like Eddie though! In fact they love him! When they first met, mom was unsure of him, but then she cooked dinner, and insisted that we all play a game that involved my brothers and sisters too. It’s weird that they never have any time for me but when it comes to me, they have nada time. Zero. Zilch! But, magically they made time for this. Crazy right?!

I still haven’t seen the ultra sound, but I should. I want all of our parents to see it. Well, Eddie’s parents. Actually his mom. His dad died when he was 3. When Eddie told me, he started to cry, which led to me comforting him, which led to making out.

I knocked on Ty’s door and told him it was time to go to school. I did the same to May’s. We all had our own room which was awesome! I got out my phone and texted Eddie.

‘Hey babe. On my way 2 school. C u soon ;)’ Soon I got a text back.

‘Cant wait 2 c my gorgeous girlfriend again! ;)’ I smiled then put my phone back into my pocket. The kids grabbed a doughnut and we left. I finished my maple bar at a stop light, and dropped off the kids.

I parked my car and went to my locker, where I knew Eddie would be waiting for me, because he is every day. As I approach my locker, I didn’t see him. As if on cue, I heard something down hall. It sounded like a fight. I followed my ears, and sure enough there was a fight with… Eddie and Nathan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!! Nathan swung a punch to Eddie’s face, and Eddie returned one. Out of nowhere I yelled.

“STOP!!” Everybody turned to look at me. Everybody turned around when Eddie punched Nathan in the lip. It was bleeding and looked like it needed stitches. Eddie was kicking Nathan’s butt! I was laughing on the inside, but worried on the outside. Just then 5 security guards came passed me and stopped the fight. Everybody groaned but trudged to class. That is, everybody but me. I looked at Eddie who was forming a bruise on his perfect face. I ran to Eddie and he embraced me into a hug. The principal came and pointed at Eddie.

“You. Come.” Eddie gave me a kiss, and left me standing there. Unhappily I trudged to AP Euro. The only class I have with her. Amazing right? Not.

Eddies POV

I  was in the principal’s office, sitting as far from him as I could. I knew I was going to get suspended but I don’t care because I will spend all of the time that I can with Bailey. Soon I heard who I think is Bailey and Kaitlyn in the lobby yelling at each other. The principal hurried to say,

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