What he is...

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Setting: Dragon Academy, Hiccup's Pov

(Plot:Merida has been training with Hiccup and the gang and Astrid recently broke up with him.)

I was just about to go into the Academy when I heard voices. Astrid and Merida were talking loudly, as if they wanted someone to hear them. I decided to listen. What I heard was just plain shocking.

"And that's why I broke up with him. He's such a wimp. He can't lift a hammer or throw an axe or anything useful. He counts on Toothless to do his dirty work. Let's face it. He doesn't deserve me." Astrid said with a sneer in her voice.

I couldn't believe she was saying this. But what surprised me even more was Merida's reaction.

When she spoke, her voice was filled with rage. "He doesn't deserve you?! Now that is the sorriest piece of trash I've ever heard. You'd better sit down because I'm going to thump some sense into your thick blond skull." A loud clatter must've been which Astrid falling on her butt.

"Now, on Dunbroch, men are judged not only by their strength and ability to fight, but by their bravery. Hiccup probably can't handle anything much bigger than a dagger, but rocks, is he brave! He stood up against his father, and tried to save his only friend's life, nearly drowning in the process! Not to mention taming the dragons. You either have to have a death wish or be incredibly brave ta do tha. And you think he is a wimp? He is not only brave, he's smart and funny and kind and selfless. The truth is, that you don't deserve him. You are so wrapped up in appearances and trying ta make a way for yourself that you don't even realize what he is."

Merida paused to take a breath. Astrid used this moment to hurl a deadly sentence at her. "It sounds like you care for him."

"I do. But I could never tell him because he loves you, Astrid. He loved you before Toothless and he still does. You're tha very thing he worships. I can't have a conversation with him without you popping up somewhere in it. You are 'is world. And you 'ave no right to tear it down. And neither do I. I'll leave, step out of 'a picture. But you listen to what I've said, lassie. Because I'm not goin' to repeat myself. Ever."

She walked right out of the Academy with a look on her face that could kill a Monstrous Nightmare. But when she saw me, her eyes went wide and started filling with tears. She tried to run away but I caught her arm and pulled her back to me.

"Did you mean all of what you said?" I asked her, my voice barely above a whisper. Merida refused to look at me and said nothing. I didn't get mad. In fact, I felt something that I had never felt before now. A warm, rushing feeling, electricity whenever I touched her. My breath that was taken away every time she smiled. It was too easy to explain. I turned her face towards mine and brushed aside a scarlet curl that was in her eyes.

I kissed her. For no real reason at all. It was light and short, but it got the message across. She loved me. And I felt the same. Just listening to what she said to Astrid made me fall in love with her. Oh gods, I felt like just kissing her til the end of time or until I die. Whatever comes first. Her blue eyes stared into mine for the longest of times.

"That better be the truth, Hiccup. Because if it isn't, I swear I'm going to cry for a week." She murmured, grabbing my shirt and pressing her lips into mine. What did I get myself into? Sigh.

Sorry for the really crappy story. It probably didn't make any sense towards the end, but I had had this story on my mind for soooooo long. Hope you keep reading. The next one is pretty good, I assure you. Anyway, keep reading. Love ya! :)

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