The Redcoat Romeo

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Hello there, all you bad kitties! (Don't hate me! *squeaky voice* Please?) Well, this is my second shortie, it takes place in the Revolutionary War. This time, it's a Jackunzel. Rapunzel's a patriot's daughter and- Wait a minute, I'm not going to give up the story to you just like that, I'm not that dim. Read it or I'll be put out of business. *Back to squeaky voice* Please? Vote and comment on all of my stories. Pretty please with Butterfinger ice cream? (Love it!!!) P.K. 45 (P.S. slightly PG. Hope you don't mind.)


Rapunzel's Pov

Midnight in Boston was no picnic. The streets formed a complex maze and there were British soldiers all through the city. I had left my peaceful home, where I lived with my mother and father, and had ventured out to think. Father had arranged a marriage for me with the goldsmith's son, Eugene Fitzherbert. And even though he would probably join the war, he still wanted me to go on with it. So I wandered the streets, trying to think of a good excuse not to get married to that-that thief! But I realized too late that I had gotten lost and that I was outside an inn full of British soldiers.

I pressed myself against the alley wall in an effort not to be noticed by four soldiers staggering outside of the inn. They didn't seem to notice that I was there for a minute, so I foolishly guessed that it was alright to move. My mistake. I tripped over a wooden plank, which I didn't see, and struggled to regain my balance. Their heads turned towards me, for I was now visible in the pale moonlight. My bonnet had fallen off, revealing waist length blond waves. I am attractive and I won't deny it. But when the redcoats stumbled over to me, I wished that I was the most hideous girl in the world.

"Look at what we have here, chaps." One of them slurred drunkenly, putting his face near mine. Ugh, how his breath reeked of ale. "A little lady on her way home. Isn't she a charming sight, lads?" He blurted, playing with my hair. I shivered when his hand touched my bare skin. All of his comrades laughed harshly, enjoying my fear. I wished that I was back home in my bed and that this was simply a bad dream. But it wasn't. The drunken soldier pinned me against the wall, trapping me underneath him. "You'll do quite nicely." He grinned disgustingly. Then he grabbed my neck and shoved my mouth against his own, his lips moving hungrily on mine.

I pushed him off of me and spat, trying to get the horrid taste of beer out of my mouth. "I like 'm with fire." The soldier muttered, licking his lips. I tried to run, but his friends had surrounded us. I felt like disappearing, kicking, screaming. Anything to get him away from me. He shoved me against the wall again and smirked. I was trapped. He forced himself onto me again and resumed the disgusting kisses, inserting his tongue, which I immediately bit. He went lower, biting my neck hungrily. I couldn't move, couldn't breathe or speak. And then..........

"Leave her be!" A voice echoed through the street. The soldier hesitated for a moment, giving me enough time to shove him onto the cobblestone and break through the wall of his friends. I hid in a doorway and breathed hard, my heart beating faster than ever. My hair was tangled in knots and my lips were swollen. After a few muffled shouts, footsteps went the opposite direction of my hiding place. I held my breath then let it out slowly. "Are you hurt, ma'am?" The voice from before asked calmly. I opened my eyes and stared frightened at the young man in front of me.

He couldn't have been much older than I, with a slender frame covered in pale skin and chocolate brown hair and eyes. He had an understanding face that was filled with concern. He was close enough to me that I could clearly see the small scar on his forehead. He didn't smell like beer or death like the others. Rather, he carried the fragrance of mint leaves, pine needles and fresh snow. He smelled like winter.

"I'm fine." I whispered, still frightened by the figure in the red coat. He stepped back, now fully illuminated by the moonlight, and bowed. "I apologize for anything those men did to you. They were clearly intoxicated and had no idea what they were doing." He said sincerely, looking into my eyes calmly. Those brown eyes were so mesmerizing.

"And who are you, sir?" My voice trembled as I stepped out of the doorway cautiously. "Jackson Overland, at your service. To make up for my fellow soldier's behavior, may I request the honor to escort you home?" He offered in a courteous manner, bowing once again. He was quite a gentleman, for a Redcoat. Well, he did save my life. I pondered. And he seems respectful enough. "I accept your offer." I said softly and we started to walk.

Jack's Pov

The colonial girl seemed scared of me at first, but I could hardly blame her for that. After all, she had just been attacked by some drunks in the king's uniform who I could barely consider soldiers.

As she stepped out into the light, I tried my hardest not to stare. She was very beautiful. She looked almost like a china doll, small and delicate, fragile. With tangled, yet smooth gold hair falling down her back and meadow green eyes, she looked like Mother Nature herself. As we started to walk, she barely said a word.

"What's your name?" I asked. "Rapunzel." She answered shyly. "That's a lovely name." I cringed right after the words left my mouth. What was I thinking?

As we approached a small fountain, she climbed up onto the rim, holding out her thin arms for balance. "Be careful." I warned her. But she only laughed. "Is it against the King's laws to have fun?" "No, I just don't want you to get hurt." She gave me a strange look. I didn't know why I had said that when it hit me like a musket ball to the heart.

I was more than fond of this girl, who I had barely known for more than ten minutes. She felt like the missing piece of myself.

Just then, she slipped on a damp spot on the slick stone rim and just happened to fall into my arms, leaving my face only centimeters away from hers. I glanced at her swollen lips and watched her face carefully. I paused for a minute before slowly leaning in and brushing my mouth against her own, so lightly that I couldn't really feel it. I didn't want her to be scared of me, so I didn't do anything after that, just held her and gazed into her eyes.

"Jack." She whispered. "Why did're not drunk, are you?" I shook my head, my eyes never leaving her face. Those green eyes were intoxicating enough, more so than any spirit. She touched my face and I felt a light, electric shiver go down my back. Then Rapunzel did something that I never would've expected. She leaned in and kissed me back. It was gentle and warm, and I had no choice but to melt into it.

"Rapunzel!" A door opened, splashing golden light into the dark street. A man and woman rushed out but froze when they saw her clutching to my uniform and staring at them like a frightened deer. The man glared at her and spat, "No daughter of mine will associate with a redcoat." "Then I'm not your daughter." She fired back. The woman, who I guessed was her mother, tried to reason with her. "But darling, you're engaged." "To a thief who I will not marry, now or in a hundred years." She grabbed my hand and together, we ran. And ran. And ran till they could not find us. And that's the way it is.

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