Want Her

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Farah Dowling was packing a duffel, preparing for her hunt. Her specialist was injured and she had no choice but to find the Burned One and end it. She dropped the bag on her desk, opening the trunk in the middle of her office, when her powers flared. She recognized the mind behind her ajar door. "Don't lurk," she ordered. She didn't have time so if someone wanted to squeeze in a talk, they couldn't be sedate about it. 

Bloom stepped inside, watching her fold the jacket Farah had hoped to never wear again. "Ms. Dowling?"

Farah didn't pause in her folding, tucking the shirt in the bag. She knew Bloom was shocked to see her doing this, but she had to get on the road to save Saul. "You were made aware of my mission this morning, Bloom. What do you need?" 

"Er... I was hoping, with you being gone and Exploratory Elements being cancelled until you get back.... Well, I finished all my assignments for my other classes and Botany is cancelled and -"

"Bloom." Farah didn't like she had to speak to Bloom like that and that she couldn't praise her for working ahead, but she had to move. She turned to the redhead, hands on her hips. 

"Sorry," Bloom mumbled. "I'd like to tell my sister about... everything. I need to talk to someone I love and think it through and all that... jazz," she continued. 

Farah looked at her Changeling student with empathy. She knew Bloom's status as Changeling was going to be hard. And she was guilty that she hadn't been more honest about it. She felt sick about it, often comparing herself to Rosalind in her exaggerated self-pity. She didn't want to make more mistakes with the girl. She wanted to help this potentially very powerful fairy. She felt very close to her, almost like she should feel more, but she couldn't let herself. With a sigh, Farah nodded. She stepped up to the young woman and held her shoulders. "I know these revelations are startling. And I want to help you find answers. So yes. I'll have Professor Codatorta take you to the first world. I'll have Mr. Harvey give her the cliff-notes welcome and I'll greet her when I return. Are you certain she can be trusted with this secret? To not even tell your parents?" 

Bloom half laughed. "Trust me, she can keep a secret." 

In fact, Olivia Holland was perhaps the best deceiver in the universe. 


And in another world, a near platinum blonde, 22 year old woman in a school uniform sat squished between two 16 year old girls, no one any wiser to her true age

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And in another world, a near platinum blonde, 22 year old woman in a school uniform sat squished between two 16 year old girls, no one any wiser to her true age. She ate the shitty food, taking a moment to chew and dance to convince others of her naivety before grimacing a bit. She swallowed quickly, aware that she'd be unable to if she tasted it for too much longer. The hall eventually emptied and she stood, dumping her stew into a ziplock carefully. Skipping, she walked out of the school. She ran a hand through her hair and some of the platinum smeared, revealing honey blonde hair.  

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