To See

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Olivia Holland smiled as she walked down the steps from her apartment. A parcel envelope in her hang, the blonde felt unease creep into her self accomplishment. Though she enjoyed finishing a case, she dreaded have no more to keep her occupied. Olivia was 6 years older than her sister and a private investigator. She had her licence and her own business. Following in her mother's footsteps, she managed very well and she had an associate. She mailed out her envelope and walked to a nearby coffee cafe. 

And barely an hour later, Olivia stood in a botanical garden, watching the people go about their daily lives. She had a Starbucks in hand and her eyes jumped from person to person, instinctively tuning out the conversations she didn't care about. This was where she found many of her customers. Casually dropping her card around someone who needed a PI. Even before arriving, she knew no one would need her. Not today. Financially, she was covered for several months. But she was bored. And her home Wi-Fi sucked.

So, after not even a half hour later, she was turning to walk from the area and back to her home office.

The blonde was just entering her apartment building when her phone made the musical violin of her sister's ringtone. But Olivia had been at her job too long. She no longer had a casual greeting. "Olivia Holland, Holland Investigations."

"Hey, it's me." Oh, Bloom granted her an appeal.

"Oh, she's alive and she's deigned to alert me to this fact. A miracle," she quipped back, rolling the last 'r' for dramatic effect. She stepped into the elevator.

"Look. I have a surprise for you, but I can't bring myself to do it if you're being a smartass." When she didnt reply, Bloom prompted, "What's your address?"

Olivia laughed almost instantly, pressing her floor's button. "Ooh, a visit from Switzerland. How blessed I am."

"A visit to Switzerland if I have my way... And I always have my way," she added at the same time Olivia said, "You always have your way."

Olivia sighed another laugh and finally answered, "1483 North Prescott Street, San Diego." The elevator opened and she stepped into her hall.

"5D," Bloom stated. 

Olivia shook her head, briefly looking up. "4D." 

"Damn.... Hang on." 

The elevator dinged as it was called up and Olivia smiled. She unlocked her door and walked in, leaving it open to her younger sister and a guest she wasn't expecting.


Professor Codatorta was an older gentleman who Bloom had never seen due his status as Specialist teaching only. The ride was a bit awkward until he turned the music on and Bloom was able to charge her phone. He didn't talk much, but he was always on guard. It was a bit extreme, but Bloom knew about the danger so she understood it was necessary. As the two of them rode in the elevator down one floor, Bloom wonder why she didn't just take the stairs. The two of them in a mostly confined space, it was weird. So Bloom ran from the elevator and into her sister's apartment. With a quick swing around a windowed wall, she lunged at her sister. The blonde woman spilled half her drink, but Bloom got her dopamine rush so whatever. 

Bloom let out a delightful sigh as she pulled back. 

Codatorta shut the door behind him, scaring the shit out of Olivia. 

"It's okay. A teacher escorted me here." 

Olivia nodded, turning back to her fridge to dry off her hand and refill her cup. "How the hell did you get here from Switzerland." 

Bloom froze for a second. And Olivia got the eerie feeling she was glitching. Then, the redhead waved her hand like a teenager and blurted, "Ok, we have a lot to talk about. First, pack a bag. You're mine for a week." 

Olivia let out a huff of air. "I can't afford to go to Switzerland for a week." 

"You and I both know you budget months in advance." 

Olivia took a sip of her drink, walking into her living space/office. "Ok, but the plane ticket and getting a passport is gonna tap all of that." She went to sit, but Bloom pulled her back up and pushed her toward her room. 

"I'll explain everything, but you gotta pack!" 

Olivia turned, cleverly evading her sister's grip. She turned to face the young woman. "Explain, that's the second time you've said that. I didn't realize there was anything to explain."

Bloom knew this was the time to fess up. Her sister was very good at what she did and she didn't take to even the illusion that she was being manipulated. "I'm adopted." 

A bad idea to start with. Olivia was still a child when Bloom was born. She was there every step of the way, fetching their mom's cravings and holding back morning sickness hair. "Pft, Bloom, I was there. I remember-"

"-the heart defect. The one that mysteriously went away? It wasn't in me," Bloom explained. 

Olivia froze. She'd had that thought. When she was going through puberty, she had the horrible, guilt forcing thought that Bloom wasn't really her sister. She'd discarded the thought immediately, thinking it was teenage sister stuff. 

Bloom was suddenly much more mature, looking at her shell-shocked older sister with sympathy she oughtn't be able to muster. "C'mon," she prompted, leading Olivia into her room, nearly packing for her. 

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