The Party

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Olivia stood in the restroom while Farah sat at a very fancy vanity. The blonde was mostly screwing around with the little bit of make-up she'd thought to bring. She stared at the blue eye shadow on the tip of her brush. Unable to put it on her eye without making her look like a clown, the blonde glared at the powder. She stuck out her tongue and brought the bristles to it, before grimacing and shaking her head. "Ble," she mumbled as she continued to stick out her tongue. 

"Everything...?" Farah asked, turning the corner. Her hair was still very much perfect, but she'd dolled up at the opportunity. Her lips were a shade darker and if Liv were any less embarrassed, she'd be thoroughly distracted. Beyond that, her dress' shoulders slumped down a bit, showing off the tops of her shoulders and accenting her neck with a delicate piece of jewelry. 

"No one ever showed me this stuff," was Olivia's only excuse before spitting into the sink. When she looked back up, Farah appeared to be on the verge of bursting into laughter. The blonde threw up her arms. "Go ahead. You know you want to." 

She turned to the side, letting out a few full laughs. When she faced her soulmate again, she noticed the fond smile and nearly blushed. 

"It's a nice sight," she commented with another smile. 

Farah took the brush's handle and the eye shadow, dusting up a shade she thought would compliment the blonde. "Your mother never showed you this?" 

Olivia shrugged. "She was busy with Bloom and all; it's no big. I'm alright with it." 

The Headmistress moved on to blush, getting a brush-full. "You know this soulmate thing will only work if you're honest." She dusted the younger woman's nose and cheeks. 

A half laugh bubbled from her throat. "And here I thought it was all about free will," Liv quipped with a smirk. 

Farah looked down at her guiltily. 

The blonde noticed and winced herself. "I'm joking." She tilted her head. "Mostly." She smirked again. "I think I'm done." She looked back up at the brunette. "And you must be because you could not look lovelier." She stood up, pressing the side of her face and lips against the side of Farah's. 

Sufficiently distracted, Farah flushed, nearly bubbly with excitement. They wandered through the halls slowly, speaking lowly on the abandoned halls. The sun setting cast shadows that tricked the eye. 

They met the other two in the canteen and drinks were the first thing they distributed. Laughter came next. You and Farah sat relatively close. You could feel the warmth from her thigh against your own. 

None of your war stories were actually about a war. Most of theirs were. The monsters that Farah had been hunting and that hurt you were the targets of a militia group which consisted of your new friends, Ben's wife off campus, and a few late members of the team Olivia had thought better of questioning. They'd trained together since their mid teens to fight these things. But the stories were no less hilarious. 

"And she's covered in the potion, clothes slowly melting off, when Ben comes to the rescue with just the right solution, dumps it over her and all of the acid just... freezes," Saul was explaining. "'Course she had to go to her room to get changed, but her clothes held long enough to get her there." The ending of the story was covered by another round of laughter from the men. 

"You know, that's when I knew I had to be the best in Potions. Led me on to teach it." 

The other two looked at Ben. "No," Farah answered lowly. "Why did you never tell us that?" 

Ben shrugged. "The story never came up." 

Olivia smiled at the trio wrapped up in their own smiles. She took a sip of her next shot before placing it back down on the table. They all swapped stories, Olivia getting the most unfamiliar to her. She was pleased she didn't have to talk the most because she was new. She was happy to bask in their little party. The evening continued on like that, until the room came to a subtle calm as they were all thoroughly soused. The blonde had her soulmate's feet in her lap and had for the past hour, ankles crossed. They were playing some game for when you're drunk when tense footfalls gathered their attention. They each moved to sit up and Farah noticed the redhead first. Olivia identified her first. "Bloom!" she chirped. 

"You should be in bed," Farah cut in, pretending not to have known that her students would get drunk that night. 

"And you should tell me the truth," Bloom sassed, her hand holding up her phone. A photo shone on the screen and they were all seeing it. An older woman stood between Saul and another man. 

Olivia sat up, her lap free from Farah's legs and she took the phone. She stared for a long moment, making the others pause. How could she know Rosalind? 

Bloom was the only one with the balls to ask. "Do you know her?" she asked urgently. She should've known to come to her sister with her mission. 

"Not her," the blonde mumbled back with numb lips. She officially knew she'd drank too much. "Where did you find this?" she asked with unfocused eyes. 

"The East Wing." 

Blue green eyes jerked up with determined precision. "Are there more?" 

Bloom nodded. 

"Show me." Before the blonde was finished with the command, she was moving to stand. They turned and left, Bloom dragging her older sister. She blonde faced the room again, holding up her phone for Farah. 


Bloom and Olivia were looking through the photos, the blonde immersed in a past her sister didn't remember. The redhead spared her a few looks, pleased to be back in the front seat with her older sister. 

They barely had any time at all, though Olivia seemed very pleased with her findings, before Farah showed up. 

"Are we looking for anything in particular?" Bloom asked, lost in the mess of photos and files. 

"No," Olivia answered, leaning forward to pick up a photo she'd found some time ago and put in her pile of paper and frames in a new place. "That's how we find things." 

"An interesting perspective," came a smooth retort from the entrance of the room. 

The blonde looked up to find her soulmate in the door. "Hello, dear," she greeted. 

"Hey," Bloom mumbled, not pleased with her not-defensive sister. She'd seen proof that Farah knew the woman who left Bloom with her family and didn't react as the younger had. 

The Headmistress stepped further into the room. She came to squat by her soulmate on the ground, pressing her face against blonde locks to press her lips to Olivia's temple. "I couldn't wait any longer to get back to you." 

The blonde heard the regret in her voice and she could feel Farah didn't do well with being out of control. Something the blonde had in common with her. "Okay," she responded, looking at her. "I've got all I need." She took Farah's hand and pulled her back to stand, momentarily startled when the woman returned to her full height. She was wearing her coat again and the coat was distracting in many ways. 

"Who was it you knew?" Farah's curiosity finally won out. 

"My father, Andreas." 

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