To Save

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Olivia and the group were walking to a graveyard, apparently, and they were all jumping at the smallest sounds, terrified of the creature who's destruction they'd witness. But Olivia remained ignorant of the possibility of a real danger. She hadn't been briefed on the potential and the girls would rather the helpless human not know how helpless she was. But their attempt to make it seem like it was all good was made moot by a loud growl. Olivia thought it was a car's engine. But it scared the other girls so much they all froze. After 20 minutes of stillness, Olivia was done. "Can we move yet?" She did some jazz hands to lighten the tension, "Cuz I'd really like to go home." 

"Sorry," Bloom bade genuinely. She stepped down through some roots to use them as stairs. 

Olivia was still carrying her suitcase as she followed her sister down a level. "I just hate abandoning you to this." 

Bloom turned around and rested her hands on Olivia's elbows, holding her arms. She smiled. "This is my world. Let's get you back to yours." The group walked on in near silence until they reached the front gate of the graveyard. "You're not abandoning me," Bloom said rather suddenly. "You give me the strength to embrace who I am. To fight for my world." 

Olivia rubbed her bicep, feeling her eyes get a little misty. Oh, she could see the strong, powerful woman Bloom would become. And she didn't need fire magic to be the woman in her vision. "Just don't forget the little people," she prayed, hugging her sister. 

And the forest was still for a second too long. The eerie silence chilled each of the girls and they all froze. Stomping prompted them to turn around. A mass of shadows with pulsing red veins and glowing eyes was running at them unbelievably fast. 

Terror ran Olivia's blood cold, not the sudden stress cold or major fuck up tense. Her insides froze. She let out an involuntary scream that seemed to stall the humanoid. And it also alerted a small group navigating the woods to the urgency of their situation. 

"Burned One!" Terra identified. She held out her arms and the vines grasped at it's feet. But it powered through. Aisha held up her hands and generated a high pressure jolt of water at it. Though knocked off course, it continued at Bloom determinedly. 

Olivia stood in front of her sister, arms out. She was knocked aside with no effort and, though she landed hard, she wasn't done. Standing, Olivia refused to let her sister be attacked. 

The terrified redhead stared up at her oppressor and older sister mode = activated. 

The blonde ran and gave the thing a flying kick that actually knocked it back a little. However, Olivia... was a human. And even fairies had a hard time fighting these things. As shown by no one else's attempt to fight it. She had barely landed on her own too feet from her kick that she was impaled by the giant's arm. 


The Burned One's arm through her abdomen, she was lifted up. Her ankle caught on a root but the Burned One didn't notice or care. It yanked, spreading unbelievable pain through her ankle. The pain of being impaled hadn't hit her yet and the blonde feared the pain to come. She slid further down its hands before an explosion threw her backwards. The Burned One was disintegrated into the air around them; the hand poking from Olivia chest, dusted away. She landed on a bank leading up to a higher ground level and shock registered, adrenaline urging her to get away and run. But a woman ran at her, sliding down to face her. She trapped the near-screaming woman between the wall behind her and crouched to cover her, to hide her from the world. For the moment, all Olivia knew was this woman. Still trying to kick away, Olivia clawed at her sternum where the Burned One had had her. She used her other arm to try to stand up, but this woman wasn't letting her get anywhere. 

Holding her soulmate was the most serene feeling in the world. Sadly, the state of her soulmate greatly diminished the feeling and Farah followed through with her original plan. She opened a doorway in this blonde woman's head and fueled the soul bond through it. Her human brain would never be able to hold on to the pure contentedness and all-consuming love, but she was able to be affected by it at that moment. 

And Olivia's struggles waned down until she was calm on the ground. Her ankle pain was severely accentuated, sadly. With no adrenaline running her anymore, she felt all the aches and bruises of the day. But this woman on top of her made all that fade away, like little waves of peace Olivia had never known. 

It all stopped and the bond was closed. But Farah kept looking into her eyes. She moved on auto-pilot, helping her girl stand without hurting her pained ankle. Farah received every bit of soulmate advantages the instant they touched. Physical feelings was one of the first developments in her powers. It would help her be more calm knowing her soulmate is not injured when they weren't together. Keeping the blonde's hand in her own as they stood kept the spell between them going. 

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