10. Common sense, George.

500 24 37

She put her hand in my hair and ruffled it, fuck, I thought she would do something else.

While I mentally cursed the air, she looked at me, put a hand on my chest and joined our lips in a slow and tender kiss, when I reacted I closed my eyes and after a few seconds we separated.

-Sorry -she said, separating slightly and taking her skateboard again-

-No, don't ask for forgiveness -she looked at me confused and I approached again to bring our lips together again, she put a hand on my cheek and I timidly put my hand on her waist-

It was cute, the kiss wasn't, amh, how can I put it? I don't know how to fucking express myself. It was cute and period.

After a few seconds we parted ways and I swear I'm really blushing, she giggled slightly and took my hand to start walking.

-Gogy, do you like me? -she said looking straight ahead-

-Amh, and you? -she laughed slightly-

-I do -For a moment I was surprised but I thought, otherwise why would she have kissed me? Common sense, George.-

-I do too -I smiled slightly and she clasped our hands-

-I do too -I smiled slightly and she clasped our hands-

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Fin, besties. El fin de este fanfic ha llegado, tal vez haga capítulos tipo, narrando weas que hagan Jorge y Huesos, lo pensaré ;)

Espero que os haya gustado y, nos vemos en otro sitio o algo JAJAJAJAJ

-200 palabras.


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