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Here's some music for you to listen to as you read.<3

(Kiaras POV)
'Mmmmm'I mumble.'mmmmmm' as I roll over on my side.I get shaken again,'Whatt' I say with my eyes still shut.'Kie get up!' Wait was that JJ what the hell is he doing at my house?'What the fuck do you want JJ?!' 'Well that wasn't a nice way to talk to your Bestfriend!' He says sarcastically.'JJ why are you in my room so early?!' I say.'Im bored and I want you to wake up!' He explains.'I don't give a shit.' I say as I turn to my stomach and put my head into the pillow.'Kie....' he says as he pouts.'Ughhh fine.' I give in.

'What do you want to do?' I say as I sit on the edge of my bed.'You.' JJ responds as he smirks like he's so clever.'I hate you.' I say back.'Oh we both know that's a big lie.' JJ says back trying to convince me.'Wanna get something to eat?I am pretty hungry.' 'Hell yeah im starvin like Marvin!' 'JJ you are the dumbest person I've ever met in my entire life.'
'Oh you love me.' He responds with a wink.'Whatever.'

We hop in my car and as soon as I get in I hear 'Sooo who's the better kisser?'
'What JJ?' I say with a confused look on my face.
'You know out of John B and Pope.' He says with a grin.
'Again I hate you.' I say back with a smile.
'Whatever princess keep lying to yourself.'
'Speaking of John B and Pope where are they?' I ask.
'I think John B is with Sarah and Pope is helping his dad or with Cleo don't really know honestly.' He shrugs.
'Wow so they just stuck me with you?How rude.' I say sarcastically.JJ just rolls his eyes in respond.

Hours pass but it only feels like seconds,I was having so much fun with JJ I hadn't realized the time.But honestly I didn't mind.JJ could probably make anybody's day better with a smile and I mean I guess he's not ugly..'OW!' I scream 'Did you just pinch me Maybank?!'
'Maybe...You wouldn't snap out of it!' He says trying not to get bitch slapped.
'Right sorry I was thinking about the time,I should probably get home.What about you?' I ask.
'Oh about that I don't think I'm going home tonight..' he says as he puts his head down to look at his legs spread across the sand.
'Oh?Whys that?' I ask with my right eyebrow lifted.
'My dad,he kicked me out this morning that's why I came to your house I didn't know where to go.'
'Aw JJ you don't have to worry about that!' I say jumping up off the sand and sweeping the sand off my bathing suit.
'Why's that?' He asks as he looks up at me.
'Duh because your staying with me!' I say like it's obvious.
'Does someone got a crush on me?' He says with a smirk like he won.
'Shut up Maybank before I change my mind!'
'Mhm okay princess.' He winks.Ugh why does he have to call me that?!Normally I just ignore it but this time I got this weird feeling in my stomach like it was doing cartwheels.He looked so cute sitting there.Wait what are you thinking Kiara?!JJ is anything but cute!

We're just sitting on my bed watching Netflix like we've been for a few hours.I obviously snuck him in my Mom and Dad would never let him stay.So I let him in through my window and locked my door.I was laying back on my pillow with my legs crossed in the air and my arms laying across my stomach,while JJ was laying at the foot of the bed on his stomach and his head resting on his arms.He was shirtless because I needed to wash his shirt and he didn't bring clothes and just had his swimming trunks on while I was wearing a long t-shirt with pajama shorts and my hair in a bun.
'JJ?' I whisper trying not to wake my parents in the room across from mine.
'Will you come up here I'm kind of cold..' I ask.
'Oh uh sure?' He says back answering my question.
He lays back beside me on his back than I scoot a little closer and lay my head on his chest he actually smelt pretty good?Weird.Then he wrapped his arm around me and I put my hands up close to my chest as I laid on my side.I looked up at him as he was still looking at the tv.Oh my he looked so good.His hair was messy making him look even better, I could see his abs.I really wanted to kiss him right then and there but I don't know if it was because he looks SO fine or if I liked him and I don't want to hurt his feelings so I fault it trying to hold back.
'Rub my back it's itchy!' I say loudly but quietly at the same time.
'Of course my princess!' He said sarcastically.I just rolled my eyes.Oh my goodness this felt so nice.Maybe I should just go for it if it doesn't feel right than it doesn't feel right!But I really don't want to hurt him..Ugh stop being a pussy Kiara and go for it!But I don't want to make it awkward between us and he might reject me and that would be even more awkward..shit okay I'm going to do it if it doesn't work out screw it!
'JJ..' I say.
'Yeah Kie?'
Without answering I just sit up a little and smash my lips to his.

(JJ's POV)
HOLY SHIT!Is this actually happening or is it a dream?!Even if it is please never wake me up!I kiss her back obviously.Than we go to the next level and slip in tongue.I put my hands on her jaw holding her in place as she runs her fingers through my hair.She than gets on tops of me.

(Kiaras POV)
I get on top of him and slip my shirt over my arms than throw it in the corner.I can feel his hands moving to my back and unhooking my bra.Holy shit am I about to have sex with JJ Maybank?!

~1080 words~

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