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"You don't understand! My dad is an alcoholic and my mom suffers from I don't even know how many mental illnesses. I'm 13 and raising my 5-year-old brother. Please I'm begging you... please don't take Landon away from me, please."

"Kacy, I am trying to help you. You need to cooperate." The social worker says in a soft tone. A tone I've never been used to.  "No! Please just go away and leave me and my brother alone!"

"Kacy you know I can't do that. Now, hand me Landon and go pack your things. I'm not taking him away from you. You'll both be going into the same foster home. Now please, go pack."

I gave in, not for me, but Landon. I run upstairs and pack everything I know we'll need. I grab my leather jacket and put it on. I grab Landon's sweatshirt too. I go back downstairs and slowly walk up to the social worker. "Here, this is his favorite sweatshirt, it'll keep him warm." The lady takes the sweatshirt and puts it on Landon. "Come on sweetheart. Let's go to your new foster home."

"Kacy, this is Calum. Your new foster parent."

"Hi," I say shyly.

"Hi, Is this your brother, Landon?" Calum asks, pointing to Landon, who's asleep.

"Yes, sorry he's asleep. He missed his nap today."

"That's alright. You look pretty tired yourself, would you like to go up to your room?"

"That would be great but um could I get something to eat? I haven't eaten dinner yet."

"Of course sweetheart."

Calum's POV

"I'll take Landon now," I say to the social worker, whose name I believe to be Kira." She hands over Landon then grabs her bag and walks out. "Has Landon eaten anything recently?" I ask Kacy. She just nods her head then goes to sit on the couch. "I'm going to bring Landon upstairs to his room, I'll be back in five minutes to make you some food." Yet again she nods her head, I think I heard a quiet "Okay" too.

I walk upstairs and down the hall. On my way to Landon's room, I stop by Luke's to let him know the kids are here. I knock on the door just loud enough for him to hear. I hear some shuffling then the door opens.

"What's up?"

"Just wanted to let you know that the kids are here. The girl, Kacy is downstairs. Landon, the one I'm holding, is asleep. I'm bringing him to his room."

"Okay. Uh, Micheal was going to come over, just to hang. Should I tell him some other day or what?"

"He can come. Just tell him he has to be gentle with Kacy. She still seems pretty shaken up."

"Yes sir."

"Would you please stop calling me that?"

"Hmm lemme think, no."

I just roll my eyes.

"You're a dork."

"A cute one *Wink*"

I walk a little further down the hall and walk into Landon's room. I change him into some Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle pajamas that Micheal got him. Then I lay him in his bed. It's a twin bed with wooden bars around the edges so he won't fall off. The bedding has dinosaurs on it, there's also a Lilo and Stitch blanket and four stuffed animals, each of us boys got him one.

Penguin- Luke
Dog- Me
Bunny- Ashton
Giraffe- Micheal

Once I put Landon to bed I go back downstairs to make dinner. When I get downstairs I notice Luke on the couch with Kacy. It seems like they're talking.


"Oh Hey. Landon in bed?"

"Yup. I was gonna make dinner, spaghetti and meatballs okay?"

"That's fine with me, Kacy?"

"That's fine. Um, where's your bathroom?"

"There's one right over there." I point behind me towards the bathroom.


She gets up and walks to the bathroom. "So, what were you two talking about?"
"Just getting to know each other. Micheal should be here in about ten minutes. Want me to help you with dinner?"

"Yes please." I chuckle well it was more like a giggle.

"That giggle was adorable," Luke says, flashing his beautiful smile.

I blush. "Just get up and help me with dinner."

Author's note: Hope you enjoyed. Make sure to comment, vote and all that. Cya!

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