Part 0 (please read~)

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Idk if anyone will read this but if someone does I want to say ✨Thanks for reading✨

I also want to say that my purpose of writing this story here (on Whattpad) has to do with a bigger dream of mine, and that is to ✨publish a webcomic✨

This is a story that's been in my mind for a while and I thought I should try to write it out first so that the drawing process gets easier (?)

I have a lot of stories I never finish so I thought that I need to finish them and organize them better if I ever want to draw them and publish them as webcomics.

Even though I'm fine with no one reading this (as I'm doing it for my self and as a sort of "script"), I still hope that you'll give it a chance.
My story will have romance and comedy but I also want to touch real problems from our society such as discrimination against women and people from the foster care system.

Lastly I'm 100% open to ✨ respectful✨ criticism and suggestions and I apologize in advance for any grammar, typo and other type of errors (you see... English is not my first language so I'm also challenging my self here by write a whole story fully in English lol)

Anyways enjoy (人*´∀`)。*゚+

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