Part 1: New day at the new school

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"Oh God thanks for this new day...please let today be a great day"
I prayed as I was tying my shoes, full of excitement and expectations but also nervous for this new school year at a new school.

-"Mary, hurry up dear, you'll lose the school bus!"

-"It's ok grandma I'll go in my bicycle🚲 the school is not too far away, plus Rachel showed me how to get there yesterday and I'll probably meet her on my way"

-"Mm well if you say so, just be careful and take care. Have a great day at school sweetheart, good luck."

-"Thanks grandma, I will"

Why am I changing schools in my sophomore year of High school? Well I wasn't very found of the idea at first but I'm quite used to moving from one place to another, at least this time the moving was for a good reason, My uncle's promotion.

My family's situation is a little complicated to explain now so I'll leave it for later and make the story short.

My grandma got very sick last spring and although she has fully recovered and Is healthier than ever, my uncles and aunts where still worry about her and us living by ourselves, so uncle Steve asked us to moved in with him and after that he got a promotion that required him to move to another state.

Lucky for me, my best friend's Dad who happens to be my uncle's best friend (they have a sweet bromance) also works in the same company as my uncle. Her Dad also got a promotion and moved there before my uncle knew that he was going to move as well. (I would not have cried my eyes out saying goodbye to her if I knew this was embarrassing).

So now, two months later, the second week of the school year we have finally settle and I'm starting the new school year in a new school (in a whole new state).

As I said, at least I'm lucky that I have her here, she moved earlier so she can show me around (I would be even more nervous without her).

-"Good morning darling~"

-"Hey! Talking about the devil!"


-"Haha, nothing, nevermind. Good morning Rachel, how come I got here first? You where the one supposed to guide me!"

-"Well yeah but I'm not the one who's on the baseball team and does a ton of exercise"

She said while panting

-"Haha well, I've told you to do more exercise with me, you are really out of shape if you have to gasp for air after such a short bike ride"

-" Yeah *panting* and that's why I accepted the challenge of coming to school in bike this year *panting* but I tell you don't expect more from me cause this is all I will do!"

-"Hahahaha, ok ok I get it, now let's go I need to get information to register into the baseball team"

-"oh....yeah...about that...😶"

- "hum?"

-"well...mmm.... I didn't tell you because I  I was a little scare of your reaction"

-"uh? What? What is it?"

-"um well... Remember that you asked me to get you information to get into the baseball team? "


-"well they told me they.... Don't accept girls into the baseball team"


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