Chapter 1 -- Evangeline's POV

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"Evangeline! Hurry up! You are going to be late to school if you don't get a move on!" I pull my sluggish body out of my hard bed. My parents may be well off, but they choose to live like we have little. I have one  faded pink blanket on a rock hard mattress. I have no dresser and no desk. I do most of my work at the Library anyway. I have two weeks worth of clothes and three pairs of shoes. I decide to put on my favorite pair of ripped skinny jeans and a white lace tunic. I pull on my black leather boots -- which I wear more than any of my others shoes -- and grab my backpack.

"Yes ma'am! Coming!" I yell down to my mother. I don't have a stereotypical teenage life. My parents are both bakers but what most people don't know is that they are secret agents too. They work for the King and  Queen. I am a an agent in training otherwise known as a spy. I attend Rosebridge High right at the edge of town. I take the bus since I never know when my parents are going to be in town. We have an assistant who runs the bakery while they are gone.

"Ok sweetheart, do you have everything?" My mom asks as she adjusts my necklace.

"Mom I have everything. I am going to be fine you and dad do what you need to."

"Ok sweetheart, be careful. I will see you tonight. Love you!" she yells as I run out the door.

"Hey, I can hear your mom yell "Love you" to you every morning. Does she have no dignity." My best friend Elly asks as she comes up next to me. 

"None what so ever."  I smirk as we walk to the bus. Elly and I have been best friends since we were three years old. We do everything together. Well except for the obvious, she doesn't know I am a spy. I t makes thing difficult from time to time but it is nothing I can't handle. While Elly and I are talking, my phone rings. It is the agency.

"Is it your mom calling to make sure you heard her yell "I love you"." Elly teases as I walk away to answer the phone. When no one is in ear shot I answer.


"Hello Ms. Jones, were are sorry for the delay but you have a new assignment."

"What is my mission?" I ask suddenly my whole body tenses like something bad is going happen and soon.

"We have someone we need you to watch after. He just got into town. You have been assigned as his welcoming committee for school. He could be highly dangerous."

"Yes ma'am." I hang up and walk back to Elly who is talking to some guy I have never met before. He is about 5ft 9in I would say because he stands almost a whole foot taller than Elly. She has always been a midget. He has emerald green eyes and olive skin. As I get closer he smells like a rustic old library. I know that sounds weird but come on who doesn't like the smell of books? We start to pile onto the bus. 

"Who is that?" I ask Elly trying to hide the giddiness in my voice. I never get excited about guys but this one just, ooff.

"That is Johnathan. He is a transfer student from London. He has played lacrosse, football, and polo. He wants to be a physicists and his favorite color is forest green."


"I know such a weird choice for a favorite color. Personally I like the more lively colors like pink, and purple, and ---" Elly keeps trailing on but I can't focus on what she is saying. I feel someone's eyes on the back of my neck. I turn around to see Johnathan staring at me. His eyes betray him as lust forms behind his eyes. I turn around trying to hide the blush as heat rises in my cheeks. When we get to school I head to the front office to pick up my new student.

"Hi Miss Jones." Mrs. Carter greets me. She is the school secretary. She hands me the new students class schedule and the agency kept to their word. They gave him the exact same schedule as me so that my eyes are literally on him the whole time.

I wait outside the office and wait for him to show up. He is already late so, not a very good first impression. I pull out my phone and open my messages.

"Hey, where are you? You are never late for class?" asks Dylan. Dylan and I have been best friends since forever. Our parents met at some conference for agents he is one of my only friends who knows about the agency. We trained together and his mother would keep me anytime my parents where out of town on business 

"I have a new student and he is late. I am frustrated but the agency insists that I keep a very close eye on him. I don't know what the big deal is. You know the drill. We get the minimum amount of information to get the task done."

"Well that'll be over soon. Orientation out of the academy is in a few weeks for you so just hold on tight." Dylan and I are the youngest spies at the academy and I will be the youngest agent in history. Dylan always teases me and says I don't know how to relax. I take extra classes over the summer because I don't like to fall behind. I am even going to graduate high school a year early.

"It can not come soon enough." 

"Hey!" Someone yells from down the hall. I turn around and Johnathan is jogging towards me.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Are you Evangeline?"

"Yes, and I can help you how?" I ask.

"Looks like you are my chauffeur for the week." I look at him with confusion until I realize that he is my new student. Every ounce of my body tells me to run. Something about him is rubbing me the wrong way. All the butterflies that I felt before are suddenly gone.

"Soooo, are we going to class?" he asks as a wide grin form on his face. I want to smack that grin off his smug face. 

"First class is advanced Calculus with Mrs. Evans."

"So you have the same class?" he asks.

"Same classes. Plural." I reply as I start to move towards the double doors. 

"I just never thought...Never mind." he trails off not finishing his obnoxious opinion. 

"What a girl can't be smart? I'll have you know I am top of my class and on track to graduate early. Any other opinions you want to make known." I ask my lips lined with anger.

"No, girls can be smart but I have never met a gorgeous girl like you taking advanced classes. Most girl that are hot don't like to show that they are smart too."

"You are just like every other guy in this town. Sexist and arrogant." I slur as I open the door to Mrs. Evans classroom.

"Nice of you to join us, Evangeline. Please take your seats." Mrs. Evans says sternly as she points towards the back of the room. I sigh and roll my eyes as I move to the back of the class ignoring the snickers from other students. Dylan has a grin spreading from ear to ear and Elly is glaring at me. I don't know what I did to piss her off but I know I will get an ear full on the subject. The only two seats left in the room are right next to each other. I resist the urge to groan out loud as I take my seat. My phone vibrates in my pocket as I get a message. I pull it out and read the message from Elly. 

"Where were you?!!!" she asks.

"I was picking up y new student."

"You could have told me. You tell me every time you get a new student. Plus, you are never late for class. So, what gives?"

"Nothing I guess I just didn't think it was important. Johnathan was late to meet me so I was late to class. What's the big deal? Why are you so mad?"

"Forget it." I look at Elly but she ignores me as she puts her phone away and pulls out her notebook for class. I don't know why she is so mad at me but she can't stay mad at me forever. Hopefully she'll get over it.

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