Chapter 14

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"What are you talking about?" my mom and dad ask astonished but the look they give each other confirms what I already know. I look at Shawn to see his reaction, but his face is expressions less as always.

"I remember. I am the lost princess. I know why Julian knows me. He is one of the guys responsible for my kidnapping when I was little. I couldn't place it before, but ... now I remember everything." I look at 'mother', tears are rolling down her face as my 'father' holds her tight. They aren't parents, they were just my caretakers, and they didn't tell me.

"Evie, we were keeping you safe. We only did what your parents asked us to. When your brother was taken, they feared for your life. We all just wanted you to be safe." My 'father' explains. I avoid his gaze and look at Shawn. His eyes finally meet mine.

"You knew the whole time." I state. 

"I was asked to keep it to myself for your safety and theirs." he doesn't even try to deny it. I get out of bed, and no one tries to stop me. Dylan gives me an apologetic look. He is as surprised as I am. At least there is one person in this part of my life who was true and honest.

"I need some air. No one follow me, please?" I walk out of the room leaving the deafening silence of lies behind. 


I changed into shorts and a tank top so that I could go for a run. As I run, I don't know where I am headed. I just run and feel the pounding of my feet on the hard earth, ignoring all the thoughts that are slicing into with the wind. In my mind I know they were doing their job, that they were protecting me, the future of our country. But in my heart, it is hard to believe that they actually loved me at all. That this was nothing more than a job to them and they couldn't say no because it was an order from their superiors. My phone rings for the third time. This time it is Shawn. They have all called now except for Dylan. He knows I need my space. By time I stop running I realize I am standing outside of my childhood home. The home where I was held hostage days before.

What does Julian want with me? The house is surrounded with caution tape. The excuse the agency gave the public this time is there was a gas leak that needed to be cleared out. I rip the tape and go in. I don't remember much about living here. But as I look around the house memories flash through my mind like a movie. My first sleep over with Elly, my first party, there were a lot of firsts that happened here. I walk around as the memories flood my brain. As I am walking around, I hear a sniffle. In the corner of the tattered living behind the couch is a little boy. As I get closer, I recognize it is Prince Henry. I slowly walk towards him, so I don't startle him. He is hugging his knees to his chest and sobbing. 

"Henry?" I ask. He jumps at my voice but doesn't move.

"Are you Prince Henry?" I ask. He nods his head. 

"Are you hurt?" he nods his head again.

"Can you show me where? Can I take a look at it?" He lets go of his legs to reveal a gash on his right thigh. I tear off a piece of my tank top and wrap it around his thigh. He squeezes my arm as I check to make sure it is tight enough. 

"Can you tell me what happened?"

"The man took my mommy." He cries out. I sit down on the ground next to him and pull him into my arms. His breathing steadies and he takes a deep breath.

"He said his name is Julian. He ... he said that only Evaline can save her. Do you know who Evaline is?" he asks as a he hiccups. I hug him tighter.

"Yes, I know who she is. Don't worry we will save you mommy." I get up and reach my hand out to him.

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