Old times with Old Souls

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The sun shines on a new day in the island I call home. I yawned and I couldn't get up since Lucia is on me again. "Lucia get up" I said

She didn't move and only grunted in annoyance. "No" she said

I sigh and draw out a spell. A green ball was at the top of my finger and I pointed it up. Lucia was surrounded in a aura of the same color as she was lifted out of the sheets into the air. "Wha no you better put me down" Lucia said pointing at me

I had a smug face as I looked at her. "No" I said

I point right and sit her down in a chair as I got up. I got dressed and went downstairs. I see everyone at the table eating some pancakes. And I see wionna. Wait what, "Winona why are you here, if you need help with something can I do it after my coffee"I groan as I stare at her tired

"Oh I just can't come over to see my two best friends and there family with your sibling in law" wionna said taking a bite of a pancake

"Wait hold up, sibling in wa" I ask

Then someone I didn't suspect walks out of the kitchen with three plates in hand. "Oh hey Blake glad you woke up" luz said

She walked over to the table and placed the plates down at the three empty spots then sits next to amity with her plate. Then Lucia comes walking in, she looks at wionna then to luz. "What are y'all two doing here, also wionna I said I'll do the pixie dust smuggling after lunch" Lucia said

"Seriously can I not just visit my favorite couple and there family since I'm kinda lonely. Also bird tube got annoying so I had to get away, he started talking about his life story" wionna shivered at the thought

"Look just have some warning next time please" I said rubbing the bridge of my nose

Me and Lucia sat down and ate with everyone, one big happy family sitting at the table. I go bald and grow taller with abs. "Blake what are you doing." Lucia ask

"Family" I said

I hopped in a Dodge Charger and rode into the sunset since I have family. (Bro we talked about this no breaking the fourth wall and a Dominic torreto joke really. Just roll it back)

Take 2

Me and Lucia sat down and everyone was enjoying the meal. Once we got done everyone went to get changed for school and dad went to work. I got done and waited downstairs for everyone and when everyone was there we all grabbed our drinks from Jenkins and I teleport us there. "Alright so far so good no challenges yet and no drinks spilt. This is nice" I said

I drank my coffee and the gang went to there classes while me and lucia caused havoc skateboarding around the school. Once we nearly get caught by bump but escaping once again we ride away to our class starting the day.

Time skip.

It was the middle of Oracle class while Lucia was in abomination with luz and amity. I play around with some tarot cards and then played pocket with a spirit but then the intercom went off. "Will Blake Blight come to the office" bump said

"I told him the last names noceda I thought. Meh must be old habits." I shrugged it off as I walked to the office

When I got there I see Lucia, luz and amity coming there also. "Wait why are y'all here, Lucia did you tell them to help you with a prank" I ask

Lucia shook her head no. "For once it actually wasn't my fault" Lucia said

I went in first and what I saw got me so pissef. It was oldalia in the flesh standing next to bump. "Oh it's you. I thought we cleared this up months ago but obviously we didn't" I growled. Barring my sharp teeth

"Oh Ode-" "the names Blake. The son you knew is dead, but I remember you clearly" I interrupted

"So why are we here bump" Lucia asked

"I'm sorry miss noceda you, luz, Willow, and Gus are expelled from hexide" bump said

He looked sad like he didn't want to do it. And I know he didn't it was oldalia that was making him. "WHAT" the four yelled

I was just straight up pissed and I could see a little anger and fear from amity. "You can't do that they did nothing wrong" amity said

"Oh sweet daughter of mine they did, wrecking school property, disobeying energies rules of one coven track. I'm only doing what is best for the two of you even if I'm not living with you two" oldalia said

I just threw a knife cutting off a piece of her hair to get my next point across. My eyes glared at her with my deep hatred as they glowed there crimson color. "Me nor my siblings are any of your children oldalia let me get that straight I'm a noceda and non of us are like you. I am no blight anymore so you don't decide what's best for me. Don't even say any of us are even related to you for I will deny it" I growled

She only laughed "oh you'll always be a blight deep down dear Blake just remember that, you can't change what's already in your blood" she said

My sword was in my hands and I raised it all while she had a smirk on her face. "Blake....it's not worth it. Put the sword away" Lucia said

I stared at odalia as she smirked. I sigh and my sword goes to ashes. "You said sword not anything else" I said

I tap my foot on the ground as it activated a glyph and it produced a rock pillar that hit her in the knees. "Yeah get rock jabbed witch" I said

I squatted down to her level and our eyes glared at each other. Each pair having a burning hatred for the other. "We'll your friends are still expelled and you can't do anything about it" odalia said

I only sigh. "Even though it may be true that they are expelled for now I'm gonna make sure you don't even lay a finger on any of them."
I make a axe and stab it into the ground next to her "am I clear" I asked

She reluctantly shook her head yes. Scowling as she looked at all my friends and wife. I opened the window and threw the axe far away as I just walk out there ignoring anything anyone says.
"Oh this will be a bad day. Either for me, odalia, or both" I said

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