Chapter 3

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Lynn woke up and whimpered as her wrist throbbed even worse than the day before. She laid in bed and opened her phone, Can't come to work, wrist is worse than before so taking a sick day to rest and heal. Call if need and can work in back. She closed her eyes and groaned when it went off.

Cupcake can Doc please look at your wrist? He's panicked it's worse than yesterday.

She frowned as she read the message again, How did you know my wrist is worse?

You text me instead of work.

Fucking hell, this is what I get for texting before having my hot cocoa and completely waking up. She groaned as she sat up.

Cupcake it's already after two pm, you are just now waking up?

Yeah, well that's what happens when you can't sleep comfortably due to pain, going to end this, must contact work. She bit her lip and went into the kitchen to make her hot cocoa. It was difficult since her prominent hand was swollen and hard to use.

After taking a few sips she sat down on the couch and opened her phone to make a call. Instead, she saw numerous texts from Luke: You couldn't sleep? Why didn't you let me know? Doc is worried and wants pics of your wrist. Please Cupcake, let him look so we can stop worrying. Vic and Corey are threatening to use their computer skills to try and find you if you don't let Doc check you out. Please Cupcake just let Doc make sure you are okay.

She rolled her eyes and called work. She yawned, turned on Nightmare Before Christmas and covered up with her Nightmare Before Christmas blanket and closed her eyes while the music soothed some of the pain.

Her phone rang and she opened it without opening her eyes, "Hey Scott, need me to come in?" She asked with sleep thick in her voice.

"Hey Cupcake, you are sleeping?" Luke asked softly.

"Trying," She whimpered as she drifted in and out of sleep. "Wrist hurts," tears slipped free, and Luke pouted at the sound of her sniffles. "Can't get comfy and my hot chocolate isn't as yummy."

"Awe Cupcake, want me to come over and fix your hot chocolate and cuddle with you?" He asked trying not to chuckle at how sweet she was being at the current moment. He saw the other men listening closely since he had the call on speaker.

"You don't know where I live," she pouted as he heard her moving and whimpering in pain.

"Then tell me and we will come over," he pushed slightly. She didn't respond and they looked at one another, "Cupcake?" Luke asked and she moaned in her sleep. "Cupcake?"

"Hmmm?" She mumbled in her sleep. "Hello?" She asked sleepily then hissed in pain as she woke up a little more.

"Cupcake, tell me your address?" he asked gently.

"Luke?" She asked confused. "Why are you in my dream?"

The men bit back laughter, "Because Cupcake, you were going to tell me your address so I could fix your hot chocolate for you."

"Oh, that sounds good, it isn't chocolatey enough right now," she mumbled. She whimpered in pain.

"Tell me your address Cupcake and I can get Doc to get it to stop hurting," Luke pushed again.

"Ok maybe if it stops in my dream then it will stop in real life too," she mumbled.

"Hey Peanut, why didn't you fawn over us?" Nathan decided to ask, and she giggled softly.

"Because you already have enough, you don't need another one and besides, you are just normal men you just have a talent for being in front of a camera. You don't need your egos to get any bigger," She sighed. "Why should I be anyway you are leaving soon and won't ever see me again so why does it matter what I think of you?"

"Oh Cupcake, you are special to us," Luke pouted. "We won't leave you."

"Whatever, you always leave me," she mumbled as sleep tried to take over her again. "Sleepy now."

"Wait, tell me your address then you can go to sleep," Luke pushed. She mumbled her address and he grinned.

"Now one more thing," Gabriel said suddenly.

"Meanie," She whined, and he chuckled softly. "Wanna go to sleep."

"Ok Trouble but first unlock the door so we can come in," Gabe smiled.

"You can just walk through walls in dreams," She complained but they heard the lock switch.

"Yeah, but we want to try, and fucking be realistic," Gabe smirked.

"You're a meanie," she whined as she plopped back down on the couch. "Owe," she moaned as she tried to get comfy. She yawned, "Sleepy now," she mumbled burying herself in her blanket again.

"Go to sleep Cupcake, we'll be there soon," Luke smiled and hung up the phone.

"You're a genius," Nathan chuckled as they headed out the door after making sure Sean had his bag.

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