Chapter 22

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Gabriel walked by Lynns room and heard sniffling. He backtracked and entered her room, "Oy Trouble, what the fuck is wrong?"

She came out of the closet wiping her face, "Nothing," She said softly and he walked over to her.

"Obviously something is fucking wrong if you are fucking crying," Gabriel said hugging her. "Now what the fuck is wrong?"

"My clothes dont fit, Im getting fat," She broke into tears again.

"No you arent Trouble," Gabriel smiled. "You know we have been saying you are too damn skinny so its a great thing you are gaining weight. That is going to make Doc so fucking happy and now he will quit fucking worrying as much about you."

"It is?" She asked trying to calm down.

"Fuck yes," Gabriel smirked as he wiped her tears, "He is constantly worrying that you arent fucking gaining weight like you are suppose to and then he worries that if you get sick it will be very bad because you arent as healthy as you are suppose to be. This will make him so fucking happy."

"Can we call and tell him?" She asked timidly.

"I got a better fucking idea," Gabriel smirked. "We are going to fucking see him. Grab your black yoga pants and I will grab someones shirt and we will go see him then we will go shopping for new clothes, how does that sound?"

"Can we show Owen also?" she asked, "and everyone else?"

"Of fucking course," he smiled.

"Hey whats going on?" Victor asked coming into the room. "Whats wrong Princess? Whats with the tears?"

"You want to tell him?" Gabriel asked and she nodded.

"I had a slight breakdown because my clothes dont fit me anymore," She said looking at the ground.

"Thats great Princess!" Victor beamed as he picked her up and swung her around.

"She thought she was getting fat but I calmed her down, now we are getting dressed to go prove to her mind that Doc and everyone else will be so happy about it then we are going shopping," Gabriel explained as he walked out the door. He came back with Seans shirt and slipped it over her.

"Well Im coming with you," Victor beamed as he slipped her Vans on. "Who first?"

"Doc," Gabriel said as he grabbed her hand then his phone, "Hey Doc, you free for a few fucking minutes? Trouble is feeling off so wanted to do a quick check up since flu season is here. Okay Victor just got here so we will bring her in."

A little bit later they knocked and entered Seans office. "Hey Pookie, I heard you dont feel right." Sean said hugging her. "Can you tell me what is going on?"

"I just feel off," she shrugged. "I cant really explain it, Im sorry."

"Thats fine, Pookie," Sean smiled and squeezed her hand. "Lets just do a check up and maybe we can figure it out. How about you step on the scale and get your weight first?" Gabe and Victor forced themselves not to burst into smiles. "Oh Pookie, you have gained weight!" Sean burst into a smile and swung her around causing her to giggle. "That is so wonderful Pookie!" Sean hugged her tightly.

"See Trouble, I told you it would make his fucking day," Gabriel laughed.

"Whats going on?" Sean asked as he pulled her into his lap.

"Found her fucking crying because her clothes dont fit now and the fucking nasty thoughts were trying to fucking convince her she was getting fat. I told her it would make you fucking happy she was gaining weight so she wanted to see for herself so here we fucking are," Gabriel smirked.

"It definitely made my day Pookie," Sean smiled as he held her closer. "Have you told anyone else yet?"

"No, we are going to surprise everyone then were going shopping," Victor smiled.

"They are going to be so happy," Sean smiled then his pager went off. "Im sorry Pookie but I have to go. Im am so proud of you, this really made me happy, send me pictures of your new clothes, okay?" he asked standing up.

"We are going to have a fucking fashion show tonight," Gabriel shook his head.

"Ok well then send me hints and I cant wait to see you tonight, thank you Pookie," Sean said kissing her forehead then rushing out the door.

"Next to Mr. B," Gabriel said pulling her out the door.

"Well what a surprise," Owen said looking up from his paperwork. "What brings you here Darling?" He pulled her over to his lap.

"I had a slight breakdown this morning," She said softly while playing with his tie.

"Why?" Owen pushed softly.

"My clothes dont fit anymore," She admitted.

"Thats wonderful Darling, why were you sad?" Owen asked pushing her hair out of her face.

"I thought I was getting fat," she whispered. "But Meanie and Prince came in and convinced me that I wasnt and it would make Dr. Sean and you and everyone happy."

"It does make us very happy Darling," Owen said giving her the special smile just for her.

"We surprised Dr. Sean and he was so excited," She whispered as she cuddled into Owen.

"I bet," Owen said holding her close to him. "Are you going shopping now?"

"Not yet, we still have to surprise everyone else then we are," Victor said.

"And we are having a fucking fashion show tonight to show everyone," Gabriel smirked.

"Great Darling," Owen said as he kissed the top of her head. "Go surprise everyone else and send me pictures and I will see you tonight, okay?"

"Okay," She smiled softly and hugged him then Victor came over and picked her up.

The rest of the team was equally excited about her weight gain and made sure to tell her how happy they were. The shopping trip took a lot out of her so they werent shocked one bit when she fell asleep in the car. Victor carried her inside while Gabriel put up all her stuff. Axel sent out a group message that he will pick up dinner on the way home so no one had to cook. Things were starting to look up for them.

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