chap. one

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            Going to Bartley College was all Jane Nilsen could think about on that cool August morning.

            Ever since she was a child, she'd dreamed of being a veterinarian. Her love for animals was stronger than her love for... essentially everything else. When she was 4 years old, the first time Marvo really parented her after the accident, she brought him an injured baby bird from the tree in the backyard hysterically begging him to help her save it. Her hands rested on the purple comforter on her bed as she recalled this gentle memory. Soon, though, the memory was pushed aside as the overwhelming feeling of lethargy covered her body like a daunting wave.

            Placing her feet into her slippers, she quietly moved through the halls to the bathroom. You're a mess, she thought as she looked reluctantly in the mirror for the first time today. Tossing her hair up in a messy bun, she scans the sink for her face wash. Just as she pushed a pump out of the small orange bottle on the sink, her heart stops. Her head turns slightly toward the door curiously. Gentle tapping was heard on the other side.

            "I mean can I pee or what?" Illiana laughed from behind the door and Jane opened it with a smile on her face. "What, we're going to college today and you're not going to hug me?" The excitement poured through the voice of Illiana Ronetti as her and Jane jumped ecstatically, embracing each other tightly.

            Since Jane moved in with Marvo and Illiana, she's never left Illiana's side. The two were inseparable. They shared everything together.

            Jane stepped to the side as Illiana waltzed into the bathroom. She shut the door behind her as Illiana plops down on the toilet.

            "I really hate when you do that." Jane laughed and began washing her face. It was quiet for a moment.

            "I know you wish they were here Jane." Illiana pulled her pants up and flushed the toilet, walking towards the tub next to the sink and sitting on the ledge. Jane stopped and stared blankly into the mirror. Her eyes fluttered down to the sink as she propped herself against it, taking the weight off her feet.

            "You want to know something sad?" She looked back up at the mirror and sighed. "I haven't even thought about it today."

            The sound of Illiana's hands hitting her thighs was the only sound that was made. An awkward, yet tolerable tension built between the two. Minutes had passed by as the loudest silence filled the room.

            "It's been so long that at this point it doesn't bother me. I was a baby when my parents died, and Marv took me in. You guys have been my family since before I can remember. It's all I need." She turned to Illiana with a soft smile on her face. "Now don't make me cry, I'll mess up my makeup."

            Illiana laughed and twiddled her thumbs in her lap. "You don't ever wish things were different? I can't imagine what that must be like."

            "You don't have a mom, Illie. It's the same thing." Jane chuckled teasingly, popping the brush out of the tiny mascara bottle.

            "My mom left; she didn't die." Illiana mocked and got up to stand with her. They both stood next to each other in front of the mirror, the dirty glass surface staring back at them. "Sometimes I can't tell which one's harder." Illiana whispered. Jane's head turned slightly in her direction and she laid her head gently on her shoulder. "Knowing she's dead, or just knowing she didn't want to be here." The two sat for a minute. No talking, just comforting each other. Illiana and Jane scarcely had to say anything in times like this. They know how to deal with each other when they grieve. They've had a lot of practice.

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