chap. two

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               The trees flew past them as music blared throughout the car. The wind howled through the open windows as Jane and Illiana sang at the top of their lungs. The overwhelmingly new feeling of independence radiated through the two, bouncing between them like a ball of light. Illiana scrambled for her pocket as she felt a strong vibration surge through her leg.

              "Oh! Turn it down, please! It's Nadia!" Illiana shouted. Nadia Willard has been with the girls since 3rd grade. No friendship starts better than sharing a cherry pop tart on the swing set. Since then, they've never been closer.

               "Girls!" Nadia yelled. She held up a crimson red folder with the words Welcome to Bartley College plastered on the front. Jane and Illiana screamed in excitement as Nadia squealed along with them. "Get here now! It's beautiful." She smiled and turned the camera around and Illiana stared at the view in awe.

               "It even looks gorgeous through the phone." She squealed. Jane glanced over to the phone and caught a glimpse of what she saw. Beautiful, tall trees lined the walkway into their dorm. The leaves were flooded with red, orange, and yellow. The grass was still bright green and fluffy. People sat on blankets under the trees reading, chatting, catching up with old friends. Others carried suitcases and pushed large trolleys filled to the top with microwaves, mini refrigerators, bags. Whatever you think they brought, they did.

                "I can't wait! We're an hour out, we'll see you then!" Jane said from the driver's seat. "Send us a picture of the room! I'm so happy we all room together. I don't know what I'd do if it was someone I didn't know." Illiana gleamed with confidence and Nadia agreed.

                 "You're telling me." Nadia said. "I almost didn't make it. I got back from visiting family in Mexico just in time and came straight here." She smiled and Illiana and Nadia chatted for a moment before Nadia hung up the phone. The two smiled at each other as Jane turned up the music.


                  Marvo paced around the living room, his tongue etched between his teeth. Thinking to himself, he recalls the event from this morning. He cracked the eggs on the skillet and got lost in his thoughts. But what was he thinking about? What caused him to lose control over it for the first time in 10 years? Panic soared through his veins as he tried to remember. Before he cracked the eggs and after Illiana pulled him from the stove is all he can recall, though. The time between was missing.

                   He picked up his phone and dialed a number, and the soft voice of a woman streamed through the speaker. "Marvo? I haven't heard from you in—" Marvo cut her off before she could finish her sentence. "It happened again Abey." His voice was deep and monotone. His eyes grew blank as he stood in the middle of the room. His muscles tensed up and he stood completely still. He realized what he had done, calling her. She was the only one who knew what to do when it rose, even if he hasn't seen her in 10 years.

                   "What's happened again?" The soft voice once heard grew cold and harsh. Her voice gave away her emotion too easily. Abey wouldn't do that unless she meant to.

                    "The fire. The wave of anguish. I can feel it rising in me again." His words fell gently off his tongue as he remained still. It's as if his feet were superglued to the carpet. He couldn't move.

                      "I'm coming."

                      Marvo hung up the phone and it slid out of his hand onto the floor, bouncing off the impact and landing face down on the carpet. His hands began to shake as sweat poured down his forehead. His eyes burned slightly as the sweat dripped into them. He tried to blink but he feels out of control. An agonizing pain soared through his body, attacking every nerve ending at the same time. Unable to move, he lets out a scream. His scream pours into his ears as he realizes his mouth didn't open.

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