Black Sheep

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It is now the third day since Ainsley had entered this world. This was definitely hell. No other place this could be when all he felt in this world was torment, embarrassment, and shame. No other words could describe how Ainsley felt being in this place. Clothes were now stained yellow, as if someone had barfed on them. The sheets smelled like trash and his food only comprised watery soup and hard and tasteless bread. Normally, Ainsley wouldn't dare to criticize these things if the family didn't have enough money to support themselves.

However, this family had not only enough money to support themselves, but has enough to buy acres and acres of land and still have enough to live comfortably in the next ten decades!

So, can Ainsley criticize this family on how he dresses and eats? Why yes! He may do so. And even if his room was big enough for an elephant or two could fit in, it was bare. Ainsley can tell that the painting was old, and the carpet is clearly not cleaned. The room was dusty, and the bookshelves were empty. Not a single book had adorned the bookshelves. Horrendous! Now, the toy chest is at the foot of the bed was not empty. But not because it was full of toys, rather, it was full of sheets. Sheets that smelled worse than the ones that Ainsley sleeps on. The servants (apparently this family was rich enough to get servants, but not new sheets) were disrespectful. When Ainsley retaliated, they would scoff and talk back. If only Ainsley was tall enough to uppercut them. He would've done so on the first day of his transmigration (?). Or is it reincarnation? Ainsley doesn't know.

The last thing that he could remember is he wished his father a happy birthday on his 50th year of being alive and stood away from all the partying. Something that he never could find a good way to spend time. His brothers didn't think so. Even his twin brother loved to party. Drinking and meeting new people. Ainsley never liked to do that. It was too tiring for him to do. That or Ainsley couldn't find the appeal of meeting new people.

"I need to run away..." Ainsley said to himself. The transmigrator (?) doesn't like the interior of his room. He doesn't like the servants that are supposedly working for him. He likes nothing that is inside this house. But there is one problem that stands. Ainsley is currently a child. Unbelievable! Ainsley was around his early thirties at the birthday party of his father. Yet he is now a child. Somewhere between the age of seven or six. Ainsley doesn't know. With how short he is and how thin his body is, it was difficult to pinpoint an age. And he's not sure if he's short because his parents are short or he's malnourished. Since he only has the watery soup and tasteless bread for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Sitting up on the bed that he was lying on, Ainsley decides he should explore this house once and for all. If he could find things that are expensive with minimal presence. Then he could steal them. Opening the door that leads to outside, Ainsley's mouth went agape. Shocked at how cracked the window (that's facing his bedroom door) is. The carpet is full of dust and cobwebs adorn the ceiling and the (supposedly) grand chandeliers. Ainsley glanced at both sides and noticed that his room was at the end of the hall. The other side only leading to a wall with a standing metal armor as decoration. In its hold was a sword, the tip of the blade pointing towards the floor. Ainsley glanced to the other side and saw the corridor. If it weren't daytime, the corridor would be a typical horror movie scene. Gloomy. Even in the dark, the cobwebs are still visible. No sign of light as you go on and it just gets eerier. Ainsley pondered if the decision to explore was the right thing to do or not. But he convinced himself that if he wants to run away, then he needs to find the best workable route to take. Mustering up all his courage, Ainsley ventured into the dark corridor.

Ainsley was right about this being a typical horror movie scene. He can feel the monster popping up behind him. If there was an audience, the thrill would be indescribable. Ainsley scanned his surroundings. He finds it weird that his room is the only room in the hallway. Also, he could only find old paintings of a woman. There were a couple of desks, but no decoration placed on top. Ainsley figured they those decorations either gotten stolen or there wasn't any decoration at all. With each step he took, a fog of dust would fly up from his feet. Spiders big as an adult's thumb would crawl on the ceiling and the paintings. Ainsley wondered how the servants could live if it's this dirty. If they don't clean the house or mansion, where do they live? Or do they only clean their quarters? If that's so, Ainsley wants to slap those maids and butlers on their faces. Why would they only clean their quarters when their master is drowning in dust and dirt? Ainsley shook his head, forgetting that thought, and focused on walking to wherever this hallway leads to.

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