A Twin

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Neil knew that he has a twin. A younger twin. The only difference between the two was that Neil got his mother's features. Except for the inky-black hair, Neil's doe eyes shone like his mother's (as people would say), rosy cheeks, and an aura of tranquility. He heard the servants that his father and the late duchess were truly a perfect pair. A serious father that didn't know a single joke and a mother that loved to fool around. He heard stories from his siblings of their parents' interaction, Neil wished that he was there to witness it in person. His mother sounded a joy to be around. At those times, Neil sometimes wished that his mother was a bit more selfish before sacrificing her life for... Neil doesn't want to put all the blame on his brother. But hearing the stories of his younger twin from his older siblings, Neil isn't sure if he were to be mad at his brother or feel something else.

His older sibling that his younger twin was moody, bossy, and just an overall bad person. Neil wondered at times if that was true. At the same time, not only his siblings but the servants also confirmed it. Some were reluctant to answer his question regarding his brother, nevertheless, all answers were the same. Never associate with your younger brother. He's a person who already has blood in his hands. Neil pondered on how a child of six years could have killed someone. Perhaps it was an accidental death? Or was his younger brother that dangerous to be around? Neil wanted to see it with his own two eyes. However, no one would let him go to the west side of the mansion. Neil tried sneaking in but someone would be there to stop him before he can take one step further. But today was the day. The day that he can finally see his younger twin. It was no easy task for Neil to go to the west wing since his room was on the other side of the mansion. The east wing. Where he, his siblings, and his father are staying at.

To not get sent back to his chambers, Neil figured that it was surely the best to go in the night. Where most servants are asleep and there wouldn't be anyone on guard as always. Well, except for the servants and knights on night duty. Steadily opening his bedroom door, Neil looked at both sides to ensure that no one would see him. Neil swiftly made his way towards the west wing. Not taking any kind of breaks unless he needs to. And only under fifteen minutes of running, he reached the west wing. Well, the hallway towards the west wing. To the south was a staircase and at the north is where guests go. Nimbly walking towards the hallway, Neil was met with darkness. Even with the full moon bringing light in the night, the hallway is still too dark for anyone to see. Is this why servants aren't allowed to go here? Or why he wasn't allowed to?

This type of darkness, Neil can only see it during heavy storms. Where wind would blow left and right, blasting roofs off of houses. And when rain accompanied the heavy storm, it makes Neil anxious. If it weren't for his siblings or his father, he wouldn't get a wink of sleep. Nevertheless, Neil mustered up all of his courage and went into the dark hallway. Trying to stop his brain from imagining monsters crawling on the floor and the ceiling. Trying to stop thinking that the cold breeze that swept past is someone touching. Really, Neil's brain needs to stop. If it keeps doing this, Neil might want a new brain. Sighing, Neil once gathered up all of his courage and ventured further into the hallway.

At the same time, Neil scanned the surroundings. There were paintings but it's too dark for Neil to see the actual painting itself. Neil doesn't have any confidence that it would be his mother's paintings. Since the west wing is pretty much abandoned (except for his twin who's living here), his father moved all paintings of his mother to the other parts of the mansion. If Neil can recall, his siblings told him that it's to show his father's love to others. That no one can ever replace their mother. But Neil didn't care nor did put his mind to it. Regardless, it's his father's choice and not his. The hallway doesn't have that many decorations either. It's full of cobwebs and dust. Is this how his twin is living at the moment? Since he's the older one, Neil will knock sense into his younger twin and teach him that he can't live in a dump. What would the other nobles think of him then? Neil is not strong enough to protect his younger twin from the dangers of the outside world. And their other siblings don't care about him. So, it's up to Neil to protect him. Unless his younger twin is much stronger than him. Neil hopes that it's not true. At least once, he wants to do the protecting this time. Nearing at the end of the hallway, Neil starts to question whether this is the right way or not. But there is only one way to enter the west wing and Neil is sure that this is the west wing. Well, there's the ground floor of the west wing but the door towards it is locked. Only his father, the duke, has it. Not to mention, he has been to the other wings. And none are as dirty as this. None are as gloomy and scary. Swallowing the lump in his throat that formed who-knows-when.

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