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TO SAY Chifuyu Matsuno is down bad was an understatement, he was underground with the worms by now

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TO SAY Chifuyu Matsuno is down bad was an understatement, he was underground with the worms by now. 

It was just a simple crush, he said. It wouldn't affect him that much, he said. 

He was in the same class as her once in 8th grade. He had a huge crush on her back then, but never bothered to talk to her. But then she moved into another school for plot purposes. And now, fate brought them together once again in their first year of high school. His feelings for her once again bloomed. 

He wondered and hoped [H/C] haired girl still remembers him. 

But of course, all he could was hope she did, even just a little. He still couldn't even strike a conversation with her due to the fact that she was constantly being surrounded by people. They never left her alone. Always by her side, refusing to let go of it. 

But of course even if he did, it's not like she's magically gonna run up to him in the rain and hug him, crying into his shoulder about how much she missed him.

They were world's apart. How would she notice him if she doesn't even know he exists? She was the most popular person in school. There is no way she'd remember someone like...him. 

She was beautiful, amazing at academics, athletic, and to top it off, she was on the student council. 

And him...he didn't really have anything going on for him, other than the fact that he was in the  literature club. Nothing special. He was nothing but an ordinary fanboy, lost in the flock of her other thousands of desperate simps. 

He dramatically sighed to himself and placed the pencil on his notebook, he leaned his head on the desk, and turned his head to look out the window, right next to his desk. 

Lightning scattered across the grey, gloomy clouds which resided in the clear sky. The distant booming and clapping of thunder, faintly rang in his ears. Perfect. The weather matched his mood. 

After a few seconds of basking in his exaggerated melancholy, he begrudgingly lifted himself off the desk and grabbed his stuff, forcefully stuffing them in his bag, some of them still scattered on the desk. 

School already ended, but he was made to sit back to finish off the remaining work he was supposed to do during class hours but he was busy daydreaming. It was a good thing he wasn't alone, since four others also stayed behind.


Chifuyu flinched at the sound of her melodic voice, echoing in the almost empty classroom,

"[Y/N]? Do you need something?" 

[Y/N]. Pretty name for a pretty girl.

"Do you know who Chifuyu...Matsu...Matsuno is?" She slowly queried, trying to pronounce the boy's name correctly while her eyes darted between the sheet of paper in her hands and Takemichi's face.

He froze when he heard his name slip out of the [H/C] haired girl's mouth. She came all the way to his class...just to see him? He was so nervous and excited by the thought that the fact that she doesn't even remember him completely slipped out of his mind. But even if it didn't, he wouldn't be that surprised.

"Chifuyu? Uh, he's over there," Takemichi pointed his index finger towards the said boy, now all attention was directed towards him. Her eyes darted towards him, she was looking at him

"Um, h-hello..?" He meekly stammered, internally cursing at how anxious and stupid he sounded. This was not how he wanted his first impression to be.

"Ah, I came to inform you that Yuko-san is looking for you." Takahira Yuko, the teacher in charge of his literature club.

"Oh okay."

"She said she has to inform you about something about the club activities."

"Oh okay."

"She's in the staff by the way,"

"Oh okay."

"W-well then..I-I'll get going then, thank you for your time."

A part of him wanted to say, 'It's no problem.' and other wanted to say 'Don't worry about it.' 

"It's a worrying problem."


Chifuyu's face instantly dropped and his eyes widened once he replayed the conversation in his head. 

"Um no th-that's not what I said— I mean I did say that but— I meant it's a problem, I mean not a worry! Wait no," He panicked and babbled without thinking, 

Everyone in the room collectively grimaced,

[Y/N] burst into laughter, amused. "It's okay. I-I understand what you meant." She said between her laughs, trying to hold back tears. She eventually calmed down and bowed. She waved goodbye to him and the others in his class and walked out.

After she left, Chifuyu repeatedly cursed himself underneath his breath, too absorbed in contemplating his life decisions that he didn't notice the pitiful looks he received from his other classmates, including Takemichi.

"Yikes. But B- for effort." A girl with fluffy brown hair commented as she slung the strap of her bag over her shoulder and lazily walked out the door.

"Poor guy," Another guy muttered to his friend who nodded, both of them also following behind the girl.

Takemichi sighed knowingly, for he had also experienced such moments in his life, way too many times.

He tried to comfort the beyond embarrassed boy by patting his shoulder and smiling warmly.

Chifuyu might as well change his name, looks, his entire identity and move to Denmark to start a new life.

"You should probably get going, Yuko-san must be waiting for you...don't worry about it.." Takemichi comforted, he smiled sheepishly and then proceeded to leave the class, leaving Chifuyu all alone.

"This sucks ass." He muttered to no one in particular, Chifuyu sighed to himself, [Y/N] probably never wanted to talk to him again, she was probably just being kind when she laughed it off. He doesn't blame her though, even he wouldn't talk to himself after that.

Chifuyu grabbed a load of his items that were on his desk, ready to pack them in his bag and go home for god's sake, but a couple of books ended up falling out of his arms, onto the ground, 

Manga. Shoujo Mangas. His favourite. He stared at the cover page of Paradise Kiss as delight and excitement fogged his eyes,

"This just gave me a great idea."



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