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"So... I was thinking we should do an observation of the lifestyle of a cockroach for the assignment. What do you say?" Takemichi proposed, turning to Chifuyu for a reply.

"Observation of a cockroach? No. I refuse to look at you any more than I have to."

"Whaaat?! C'mon now don't be like that." Takemichi groaned, not finding his joke amusing.

Chifuyu turned his head and exaggerated a sigh. Frankly he was barely paying attention to anything Takemichi had to say, he was much more focused on what [Y/N] and Kazutora could be talking about. He wished Kazutora found her disgusting enough to ask Chifuyu to change partners with him, even though he was trying to prove the opposite to Kazutora just minutes ago.

His eyes shot open when he heard [Y/N] laugh, what's so funny?! Did Kazutora say something funny? Out of all people, that Kazutora who still believes in the concept of cooties? He loved Kazutora, they were best friends but he just couldn't comprehend that Kazutora Hanemiya could be funny, on purpose.

"Are you serious?" He heard Kazutora ask, to which [Y/N] replied "Well, obviously." She giggled. Kazutora blinked at her and then joined in on the laughter.

What???? Chifuyu could not believe his ears. He can't. He won't. Just how on EARTH were the two of them suddenly friends?! What were those two talking about?? It certainly can't be about cockroaches. Oh father in heaven, did they just plan a date???

It's done. Chifuyu's fate was sealed. He was now destined to watch [Y/N] walk down the aisle as Kazutora's soon to be bride. He could already imagine the trail of flowers following her, the white Barbie cake and his disgusting white suit. Why are the wedding bells ringing so loudly? And why are they kind of violent-?

Oh wait it was the school bell. The period just got over.

It's alright, this could be a good thing. Chifuyu could always crash hers and Kazutora's date. Sure, maybe he was an ass for trying to ruin his best friend's chances, but he had to see it for himself whether Kazutora was a good match for [Y/N]- Uh he means if [Y/N] was a good match for Kazutora. It's all over anyway.

"Kazutora." Chifuyu calls out, like some kind of CEO about to fire his employee.

"Yeah?" Kazutora replies, like some overpowered annoyed worker who could clearly beat up his boss but wouldn't, for the good of the society. Like Toji Fushiguro in a way.

"We need to talk." Chifuyu says, like an angry wife who just caught her husband cheating on her by having an affair with her father.

"Alright?" Kazutora responds, like a mother who very obviously ate all of her kid's halloween candy but is pretending that the once full bucket of candy just happened to disappear and the stains of chocolate around her mouth is dirt.

And so they walk out of the classroom, with Chifuyu having both hands in his pocket while Kazutora swung it around like Drake's dick. Although to everyone else in the room it just looked like they were leaving to hook up in the bathroom.

After walking for a certain amount of time, they reached a certain point where Chifuyu suddenly turned around, inhaling a sharp deep breath. The words were ready to drip from his tongue, what he wanted Kazutora to know was so close to slipping out but he held his tongue, because oh wait, why not drag this out for a chapter or two? If [Y/N] sees this and realizes that they're fighting for her and Chifuyu was jealous, she might just come up to him herself and ask him if she could see his mom! Or, start it slow and ask him out on a date. Oh, this was so easy, why didn't he realize this before? This is always how it happens in the mangas, the female lead realizes the male lead is getting jealous and confronts him in a fit of anger which only agitates his jealousy! So during the long and heated argument, he confesses his feelings fiercely and passionately, "Because I love y-"

"Woah! What the hell dude?"

"Huh?" Chifuyu's eyelids lifted in slight surprise at the sudden boyish voice breaking his chain of thoughts, and then they flew back like a zipper, oh god was he projecting his thoughts out loud by coordinating his vocal cord, tongue, lips and mouth?

"Oh no, no no no dude! It's not like that I meant-"

"I mean if you're gay it's fine I guess, but I'm not I was just kidding about the whole girls are made of cooties thing to mess with you... damn.."

Chifuyu gasped and stuttered through his words, "What? What? No I'm not- I- just forget about it okay! I wanted to ask you what you think about [Y/N] now that you've talked to her... Do you like, like her or something? I saw you guys laughing a lot.. What's so funny man?"

Well darn it, screw the plan. If anything's worse than clearing up a misunderstanding that can be milked for 17 chapters and a whole arc, it's having the female lead think you're not interested in her, uh, entire species.

Kazutora was even more confused if it was possible, honestly he just felt like he should turn around and leave but Chifuyu would just chase him through the hallways so he just quirked his eyebrow up instead and took a second to answer, something which Chifuyu noticed.

"[Y/N]? I guess she's fine. We were just laughing at some joke I made about fish or something."

"Uh-huh...Okay you can go."

"What? That's it?" Kazutora scrunched his face in annoyance.

"Yep." Chifuyu chirped, he still had a chance to work this misunderstanding out.

"Honestly man I wasn't lying when you confessed, I accept you or whatever. I wasn't even surprised, I did think you were gay."

"Hah! More like wished!"

"Erm, sure buddy." Kazutora forced a smile to peer through his muscles which were going through the obstacle of not recoiling at Chifuyu's implication that even if Kazutora was gay, he would pick Chifuyu out of all people. If anything it might be Baji.

Chifuyu could already sense the cogs in his brain turning at rapid speeds, generating a plan to re-enact the entire "jealous guy aka female lead's secret crush aka her enemy who will become her lover aka Chifuyu" plot. What he didn't notice, is that [Y/N] was just around the corner when the entire confession thing happened, and unsurprisingly left right before the part where he cleared things up. There go his chances now that she thinks he's Gay™.

okay the plot's getting kinda repititive i know chifyu fucks up in every chapter i swear it's going to get better

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okay the plot's getting kinda repititive i know chifyu fucks up in every chapter i swear it's going to get better.. but that's the charm i guess! anyway update after like what? a whole year? LMAO

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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