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PINK PAINTED walls, grey borders

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PINK PAINTED walls, grey borders. Checkered floor and wooden tables. The green plants placed in the corners and near the tables brought life to the café and large window next to their seat revealed the blue horizon. The café seemed like a dream. 

Chifuyu internally praised himself once he saw the delighted girl scan the menu with stars in her eyes. Props off to that one maid café series that gave him high standards for cafes.

"Have you decided your order?" Chifuyu asked in a smooth voice, trying to get the girl to be swayed by him.

"Yeah.." [Y/N] lifted the menu and turned it over to face him, she then pointed at the mint-chocolate chip ice cream. 

"Of course." He nodded,

I feel like I'm forgetting something..

Well if he forgot about it, it's probably not important.

Chifuyu sighed to himself, he honestly didn't plan this but he he wasn't complaining, at the time he really didn't want [Y/N] to leave so he blurted out whatever he could to make her stay, and it worked! All his problems didn't matter as of now. Right now, [Y/N] is the only one that matters.

"What would you kids like?" A man with slicked blonde hair and a pastel blue apron arrived at their table with a clipboard and pen in his hands.

"I'll have a mint-chocolate chip ice cream and she'll have a cherry ice cream."

"Sure." The man grinned and made his way back.

[Y/N] lightly tapped her fingers in repeated rhythm while waiting for her ice cream, she honestly planned to visit the public pool or maybe the beach, but she wasn't complaining. After all, who would deny another round of free ice cream?

"This is a...nice place.." Chifuyu said in attempts of starting a conversation. 

[Y/N] hummed lightly in response, "Yeah...would have been better if there were maids or butlers."

So she's into that...

"By the way, isn't the literature club joining us for a few weeks?" [Y/N] asked, 

Oh yeah. Chifuyu forgot to tell his club members that. He was too busy plotting. 

"Oh..! Yeah..j-just give me a second..." He hastily took out his phone, but halted his movements before he could unlock it.

It's rude to be on your phone while you're on a date!

Well it wasn't really a date, Chifuyu considered it one because chances like these are 1 in 10 million. He placed his phone back inside his pocket while she cluelessly watched. Weird.

"Here's your order!"

Already? This is going too fast! He didn't even get to brag about his victory in the basketball game! Well it was a team play and Baji scored the most but it was a team play! 

Chifuyu grabbed his spoon and scooped in some ice cream in his mouth, sulking. He rested his face on his palm and his eyes gazed at the sight of the girl in front of him happily stuff her face with ice cream, a smile blessing her lips.

He wondered if he could make her smile like that one day.


Falling deeper and deeper in love was a feat that is usually achieved by either spending enough time to get know each other or sharing an intimate moment together, at least that's what he thought. Yet here he was, lovingly caressing [Y/N]'s face with his eyes because of a simple smile. Examining her beautiful face,

"This tastes amazing!" The [H/C] haired girl exclaimed to the store owner, him chuckling in response. 

The girl then glanced at the blue eyed boys hands, noticing the scoop of ice cream melting on it. Her eyes darted to his face, wanting to tell him about the mess on his hands but his expression sent chills down her spine. 

Eyes wide and an eerie small smile dancing on his face.

He was glaring.

So she just...chose to ignore it.

Chifuyu blinked at her scared face, not understanding why she was avoiding his gaze, that was until he spotted a bit of ice cream smudged near her lips. His eyes lit up, now was his chance!

He leaned in to wipe it off, while [Y/N] leaned back confused and scared of what he was trying to do. Anyone would be. The blue eyed boy kept leaning in, not getting the hint until his elbow ultimately hit his cup of melted ice cream and spilled onto the table, the contents dripping off the table and epically leaking into the [H/C] haired girl's clothes.



"Um." Chifuyu mumbled and bit his lip like Kristen Stewart in Twilight, "Sorry..."

"...Can I have my hoodie back." 

"O-oh okay." With disappointment and embarrassment evident on his face, he took off her hoodie and handed it back while awkwardly avoiding eye contact. Deserved.

The both of them sat in silence, one waiting for the bill to get out and die while the other was waiting for the bill to get out and die after changing their clothes.

"Uh..I was uh...trying to wipe the...ice cream smudge thingy near your lip.." Chifuyu started, maybe in attempts of not having a misunderstanding.

"Oh." [Y/N] lifted her hand and hovered it over her mouth, "Where?"

"Like...like over there." He pointed with his finger, the urge to get up and wipe it off himself was strong, but his embarrassment and will to not repeat the same mistake was stronger so he somehow held himself back.

"...I'll be back." And with that, [Y/N] stood up and made her way to the nearest restroom. 

She didn't seem angry but she wasn't too delighted to have ice cream all over her either, Chifuyu cursed himself over and over again, looks like yet again God decided to shit in his day.

So while he was too busy drowning in self pity and replaying Paramore and Simple Plan songs in his head, he failed to notice the waiter walk up to him with a receipt in his hand,

"Cause we lost it all and nothin' lasts forever~"

"Sir your bill."

"Eh?" He looked up to see the same man and blinked. Well if he can't fix her clothes because he isn't Mitsuya, he'll just pay for her order as an apology. He was going to do that anyway, but before it was a choice and now it was a necessity as to maybe not make a complete jerk and fool of himself. He reached a hand into his pocket and let it wonder around,

"I feel like I'm forgetting something.."

Oh yeah. He didn't have any money.

 He didn't have any money

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"this book will be updated once a week(hopefully) or twice a week if im feeling nice ty thats it" LMAOOOO WHATTT 

[1143 words]

SHOUJO BOY / CHIFUYU MATSUNO X READERWhere stories live. Discover now