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CHIFUYU hung his head low and walked home, him explaining why he couldn't bring any money since he thought it was school day and was therefore not going to be able to pay for the food was a pain in the ass and proved that Matsuno Chifuyu had no shame. 

Oh man, how was he going to show his face in school? What if you told 70 of your closest friends about what a douche bag he was? What if they talk about this the rest of the year? His life was over. It truly was a shame.

"I'm home.." His voice resonated in the room,

"Welcome bac-- Wait why are you wearing your school uniform and where were you!?" 

"Mom! I got a bit..c-confused!" He yelled as he hastily took off his shoes, wanting to go up to his room as to avoid any more questions. He had a terrible day and his mom wasn't making him feel any better!

"Okay? Then why'd you come home so late?" Why'd he come home so late? He can't tell her that he hung his head so low, he got lost twice and almost got run over since he wasn't looking ahead. 

"I was on a date!" Fuck.

"D-date?!" His mom spluttered out in surprise, the knife she was using to cut vegetables almost cutting her hand, but then, expectedly, she burst out laughing, "You?! On a date?! No way!"

"M-mom! What do you mean?!"

"My son is a loser through and through. Chifuyu, I know you were sitting in the city library and crying while reading some manga."

"That's so mean!" He huffed in anger and embarrassment, he did do that after his crush(es) rejected him when he was in middle school. But now it was different, he's a changed man! He's gotta prove that to his mom!

"You can meet her yourself!" 


Oh fuck.

"I mean.."

"Okay sure bring her here tomorrow." His mom proposed, amused.

"She-she's busy! Tomorrow! She's got a uh..."

"Got a?"

"Got a doctor's appointment for...buttock cancer.." He blurted out, god what the hell was he even saying at this point

"Oh..oka-okay..?" His mom flushed red, "Wait so how does she sit--"

"Got ya! She just has a cold haha.."

"Okay then what about day after tomorrow?" 

"..." If he said any more, he'd get caught up in this web of lies way more than he already has. He should tell her the truth. Like any other normal person woul--


Never mind.

"Great! I'll see her here." Mrs. Chifuyu says, smiling widely as she goes back to her cooking. She is a psycho


Chifuyu ran a hand in his hair, nimble fingers pressing against his temple. How the FUCK was he gonna convince you to be his fake girlfriend and meet his mom in a day???

"Hey baby girl, you wanna be mine forever and meet my mom???"


Let's look at the cons, he thinks to himself. I publicly humiliated her and made her pay the bill and then ran away like a pussy, so she'll probably stab me the next time she sees me.


Now let's look at the pros, he thinks for a while.



So he guessed it's time to ask the pro in these situations. 

Baji Keisuke.

Baji Keisuke

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Yeah right. It was manga. 

Chifuyu flipped through the pages to find an ideal apology for these type of situations. Usually the male lead slams the female lead into a wall and gaslights her. 

A certain page catches Chifuyu's eyes. A page where the male lead has the school decorated in roses and every student was waltzing to Danse Macabre in G Minor while the teachers and staff were holding up a 7 foot long sign exclaiming "I AM SORRY!💖 " on it.

Yeah he probably shouldn't do that.

He'll just buy a box of chocolates plus return the money the bill had been paid with. Yeah that should work.

Now he just needs to do it.

Now he just needs to do it

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Update after 5 months 😁 hey guys

SHOUJO BOY / CHIFUYU MATSUNO X READERWhere stories live. Discover now