Home sweet home..?

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Hello everyone! Thank you so much for reading my book 🖤 Anyways let's get right on into it 🤭
Credits to the artist of the fanart ✨
-3rd person P.O.V-
New York City- 4:30 am

*Beep, Beep, Beep, Be-*, the alarm clock was put to a stop by a hand creeping out from the warmth of the his blanket,one of his finger aggressively hitting the silence button on the iPhone repeatedly.
'Ugh. No. Fuck. Stop.' He retracts his hand, swiftly turning around to face the wall, tucking his head under the blanket to retreat back into the comforting black void which he called sleep. Beautiful, calming, relaxing sleep. Which was a considered blessing, for he was up most of the night, trying to finish packing for the trip that had to come early the next morning. Not only that, he'll never admit it, but he was a little afraid of flying. And the trip was going to be about a 12 hour flight even if they didn't have turbulence or some type of flight delay. And that thought alone was enough to put him into insomnia.

He was so tired after packing, figuring how to pack 8 years of life into 3 suitcases. Trying to pick out the most important pieces of his teens, while leaving behind the teddy bear from his first breakup, the friend ship bracelets of people how turned they're back on him afterward, and the memories that came along with it. Or at least he tried to forget those. Trying really hard not to think about it, and just letting the silence fill his ears. The silent void, the comfortable darkness finally took over and he was so greatful.That was well just for a moment.

'God fucking dammit! I just wanted five minutes! Five fucking minutes!'
He huffs, pushing the blanket off his top half, pressing the palms of his hands into his eye sockets.
"Ugghhhhhh", he whines softly then louder has he continues on. "UGHHH"

"I CAN HEAR YOU! STOP FUCKING COMPLAINING, WE GOT A PLANE TO CATCH!" his mother or 'old hag' as he calls her, yelled for the room down the hall.

"ALRIGHT OLD HAG, FUCK! DO YOU REALLY HAVE TO YELL AT FOUR IN THE GODDAMN MORNING!", He yells back, sitting up reaching over for his phone unplugging in from the charger. He lets out a small huff, sliding back the covers all the way, exposing his black Nike sweatpants he put on the night before so he didn't have to change before his flight.

He pushes the home button to be greeted with the blinding light of the blue light screen.
"Fuck, too bright", he whines squinting his eyes to lower the brightness on the screen. "4:50... Fuck I gotta get my ass up and get ready". He stands up stretching he arms above is head, he shirt rising ever so slighly exposing the toned ab muscles underneath.

He quickly grabs his black sweatshirt that had a white skull on it, and slides that on. Grabbing his white air forces from the corner of the room next to his luggage, putting them on in a quick motion.

"KATSUKI! HURRY YOUR ASS UP OR I'M LEAVING YOU HERE BY YOURSELF AND YOU CAN DEPEND ON THE $60 YOU HAVE IN YOUR POCKET!", the 'old hag' yells again, seemingly getting more pissed off at her son's antics.

"ALRIGHT! I'M PUTTING MY SHOES ON HOLD YOUR HORSES, YOU OLD HAG!", Katsuki screams back finally tying his last lace on his shoes, before putting his phone and wallet into his pocket. He unplugs the charger from the wall, rolling it up and putting into his second pocket.

He grabs his luggage from the corner the of the room, rolling it to the door. He opens the door and picks up the luggage putting it right outside before looking back into the dark room again. 'Looks like the last time Imma this place anytime soon, if ever. Fuck that crazy to think abo-'

"KATSUKI! I SWEAR TO GOD-", he looks back into his room once more before shutting it. "FUCK, OKAY! I'M COMING". Rolling his bags to the living room area where his two parents are, he fixing the hem of his sweatshirt, to get interrupted but a slap to the back of the head.

"YOU HAG WHAT THE FUC-" , "OW! STOP HITTING ME!", He receives one last smack to the head.

"THAT WHAT YOU GET YOU BRAT FOR YELLING AND CURSING AT ME!, now we gotta leave. We're already going to be somewhat late because we have to give the key to the housing agent. So let's go. Hun?, will you grab my purse from off the counter. We're leaving now." Katsuki just blank stared at his mother almost in 'awe'.

'That mood swing is giving be whiplash', he thought to himself watching his father grab the purse like he was asked. Grabbing the handle of his luggage, he rolls it to the front door. Looking back at the house again before getting out of the way for his father to close at shut the door, locking it.

"Alright let's go", the 'old hag' says quietly, probably because they are outside now and she believes their neighbors might not be awake yet. Which is what Katsuki found amusing because she was just screaming not even 3 minutes ago. But he wasn't going to tease her about it, yet.

They all arrive to the car, Katsuki helps his father put the luggage into the trunk. Opening the back passenger side door, getting in and pulling out is phone, to pass the time. 'I really fucking hope that this is a quick and easy flight', he thought staring at the place he once called home, as they pulled away.

"I wonder what Japan is like now, maybe they did some type of construction since we left.", 'old hag' asked her husband. "I'm not sure, but I would think so we will just have to see when we get there. What do you think Katsuki?", He asked his son while looking the the rearview mirror.

"Tch, I don't fucking know", he said rolling his eyes. "And honestly I really don't fucking care either", he said putting in his air pods, blasting the music at full volume, not wanting to hear any more of the conversation going on up front.

"Alrighty then, Japan here we come", he said looking back at the road.

'This is going to fucking suck'.

Words- 1088

Hello everyone! Thank you so much for reading my first chapter! 🖤 I know what you are all here for 😏
And that will come soon enough.

Anyways! Thank you again, also please don't forget to drink lots of water and eat something today! Even if it's small 🖤✨

Okie dokie, bye-bye

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