The Nerd takes his dog for a walk

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I didn't think anyone would read this so thank you so much 😭



TW: This chapter will include ( Smut, chocking)


U.A High school, Dinning  Hall- 2:45 p.m


The two boys stared at each other for what felt like an eternity. Either of them dared to look away for a fear that the other would vanish again. "Deku...", Katsuki mumbled dumbfounded at the other males presence. The last time they seem each other seemed like a life time ago. They never really gotten the change to say 'Good-bye' on the day that the Bakugo family left away to New York.

 When Izuku found out that the family was gone, he locked himself in his bedroom for days. He wouldn't eat or talk to anyone including his mom, he felt betrayed that he wasn't made aware of what was going to happen to his best friend. He isolated himself for the world outside in his little four walls. Izuku has never been without Katsuki up to that point. It would always bring their mom's hassle when they had to leave the other families houses or events because they two stuck to each other like glue. 

So, when Katsuki left.... Heartbreak wouldn't be the correct word to describe what Izuku felt for the past two years since his best friend abandoned him. And he wasn't ready to forgive the person in front of him. He was scared to forgive, because forgiveness meant that everything would be fine. That he was fine. That the fact of him being alone was fine. That him crying himself to sleep every night wondering why Katsuki left him was fine. That his grief for his friend was fine. To forgive Katsuki at this moment in his life would be weak.  He hated the feeling, his feelings. He dreaded them, he pushed them away long ago. And he's not going to go back to that weakling that relied on others, that pushed aside his own life to make other's happy. He was done, he was finished. Anger. 

He was angry that he want to run to Katsuki.  Hug him Katsuki like he was the most valuable thing in his life and ball his eyes out like a baby. Let Katsuki break down the wall that he worked to hard to create. Tell him his worries, his fears, his reasons for being to cold, but he couldn't. He couldn't let that happen. It pissed him off.  He wasn't weak, he was above the rest, he was in charge

"Are you guys already acquainted?", Iida says looking back in fourth between the two while adjusting his glasses on his nose. "Ahem", Izuku clears his throat walking towards Katsuki. The blonde examines the greenette closely with doe eyes. He was still in shock that Izuku was here, walking towards him. Was he going to hug him? Cry to him about how much he missed him?  What he didn't expect though was a hand in front of his face. Katsuki blinks a few times before his eyes adjust on the greenettes hand, 'A hand shake?', he thought to himself. 

"Izuku Midoryia, nice to see you again, Katsuki.", Izuku exclaims while smiling. Katsuki hesitantly takes the hand shake, "Yeah it really good to see you to Deku-", he was interrupted by the harsh yanking back of the youngers hand. "Well I should get going now.", Izuku states turning towards Iida, " I will email you the details of the meeting okay, Iida-senpai." He finishes before turning to walk from the direction he came from. "Very well Midoryia, have a good rest of your day.", Iida responds waving him off.

 'Did he just blow me off?', Katsuki thinks to himself. "Wait-", he abruptly gets out of his chair, steadily walking to follow the younger. Izuku stops in his tracks keeping his gaze forward. "Hey hold on a second Deku-", " Mr.Bakugo I'm not sure if you know how things work here, So I'll give you a pass.". Katsuki stops just a few feet behind the shorter. 'Has he always been this small?', he thinks to himself looking down at the younger. Katsuki stands at about 6'1 while Izuku at a smaller 5'4. ' Wait a damn minute, did the he really just call me Bakugo?! My legal name when has he ever fucking done that?! What the actual fuck is happening?!'.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2021 ⏰

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