Welcome to Tokyo

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Hello~ 😁 Thank you so much for 17 views! I didn't think anyone would read this but I'm happy none of the less! ♥️ Anyways~ let's continue ✨ Sorry for any spelling errors in advance!


T.W: Mentions of Substance (drugs), Using of the word "Moist"  (once), slight teasing 

-Katsuki's P.O.V-

Tokyo 6:30 a.m-

Remember what I said earlier? Well, I was correct. I plane ride to Tokyo fucking sucked, balls- to be exact. No, honestly I rather be in hell then have to go through fucking airport security again. It was annoying as fuck. Why do I have to take off my fucking shoes? What do they think I can hide in there?! Like I understand the possible substances but I mean come fucking on.

NOT ONLY THAT, I was one of the 'lucky' people that they take to the side to do a full body pat down. It was not only embarrassing, but it was a female officer, and I completely agree with gender equality, it wasn't that her being a female that throw me off, Okay? Women are goddesses that should be respected. Period.

However, this one what more of a fucking animal to put it nicely. During the pat down she was all up on my junk. Like I said, 'Gender Equality' meaning, these hand are "Rated E, for Everyone" if you know what I mean. It was like she was taking her time feeling me up. Who the hell does she think I am? No, who the hell does she think SHE is?! She's lucky I didn't lay her out right then and there. I don't believe in hitting women in anyway no matter the circumstances ,but damn she was testing my patience. Like-

"KATSUKI, WAKE YOUR ASS UP! WE'RE HERE!", Old Gag yells looking back from the passenger seat. "I AM WAKE ALREADY OLD HAG! DAMN, IT'S TOO DAMN EARLY FOR YOU TO BE YELLING!" I shout back at her. Old Man looks her then back at me throw the rear-view mirror, shaking his head. "Oh, well I was just letting you know.... AND DON'T CALL ME THAT YOU BRAT!", I swear she is going to have a fucking  heartattack with all that moodswinging. "Tch." 

"Alright, let's all calm down and get this stuff in the house. We are all tired, so let's hurry this up then go in to relax.", Old Man says while pulling the keys out the ignition. He opens the door, stepping a foot outside. "You are absolutely right Hun",  she says back calmly? Getting out of the car as well. 

I huffed, ' She is fucking crazy I swear', I thought to myself. I take my headphones out of the jack in my phone, twirling them up into a neat circle and put them into my pocket, knowing later that they will be one big ball that I will curse at while trying to untangle. 

I grab my phone putting it also into my pocket and proceed to open the door. I put one leg out breathing in the nice crisp air, it rustles my hair a little bit which I find pretty relaxing. I may be a loud mouth of what the fuck ever, but I enjoy the little things like this. Silent, calming, rustling of my hair in the wind. I loved all that sappy shit. Like, when Old Hag used to rub my head when I was a kid to go to sleep. Yeah, those were the times. Now she's a loud mouth, that likes to yell at six in the fucking morning. 

Annoyed at the thought, I remove myself from this peace and get fully out of the car. 


-3rd Person P.O.V-

Katsuki proceeded to help his father get the bags out of the trunk of the car. Trying best to ignore the meaning less talking his mother is saying. He lifted his suitcases out of the car, "You got 'em?", his  father says while looking at his son, helping him get them out of deep trunk. "Yeah, I got 'em", with a huff he turns around to look at his childhood home. It was almost shocking how it didn't really change at all. All the way down to the ball in front yard that he left there for him to play with when he ever got back. He chuckles to himself softly remembering his past idea, looking at the yard in front of him. 

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