Fresh New Start

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Hello Everyone! Welcome back to the story~ THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 30 views!! 

Art: Not Mine- I found it on google! Rights to the respectable owner, I just thought it was cute :)

 I hope you enjoyed the last chapter! 😁Okay let's go~~~~


T.W This chapter will include: Slight smut (degrading?, chocking, spit)


-Katsuki's P.O.V- 

Tokyo - 3:30 p.m

I'm falling. Sinking deeper into this calm peaceful void. It's silent. No yelling, no arguing, just still. Complete Serenity. I'm weightless almost like ever worry I've had, every wrong, every mistake has disappeared. My body feels like its stuck in time. Freezed into this position, arms curled around my stomach. My legs curled into my chest. Respectfully at peace, with light like stars floating around perfectly fitting into the darkness. They help me believe that I'm not lonely here, even if I was. I don't think I would ever want to leave. 


'What was that? Huh?' I left my head looking around the perfect darkness, the smaller stars starting to dissipate.  Flickering until they too become one with the darkness.

*Knock, Knock*

'Wait. I'm seeing light ahead.' The light grows closer, getting brighter with ever knock. I put my head down, tucking it into my knees. 'I don't want to leave this. I want to stay.' I clench my eyes shut. 


My eyes shoot open to be met with a brightly lit room. I blink a few times to get my eyes adjust to the features around me. *KNOCK, KNOCK* 'Oh that's right, I was dreaming. Fuck..', Sitting up slowly, I rub my temples. My eyes jump to the door. *KNOCK,KNOCK* 

"OKAY,OKAY...", I jump out of bed and reach out to the door handle. " I'M COMING DAMN. I WAS JUST TRYING TO SLEEP!". I open the door to be met with my Old Man. "Sorry Katsuki, you were sleeping for quite a while so we just let you sleep.", Old Man explained. "OH, It's okay I guess. Sorry for yelling.", I muttered, rubbing my eyes with the palms of my hands then looking back at him. 

"Your mother wanted to talk to you about your schooling. I know you just woke up and she can be a handful sometimes so why don't you take a bath or sometime to wake up a little. Then meet us downstairs in the dinning room. Alright?", He says raising a hand to grip onto my shoulder, giving it a firm shake before letting go turning and walking down hallway. "Alright, I'll be down in a few.", I called out to him before returning into my room and closing the door. 

'Fuuuuucking hell. It's the first day and the Old Hag's already worrying about getting me away to school.', I thought to myself walking over to my luggage. Opening it to get some comfortable clothes for after my shower. I picked out a black tank top and a pair of light grey sweatpants. Not forgetting my boxers, toothbrush and toothpaste along with my deodorant. ' What a fucking pain.' Tch. I grabbed the belonging and proceeded, opening my door going across the hall to the bathroom. 

"Hopefully she listened to what I said about wanting to go to U.A for my last year. All the other school don't have the resources I need to graduate. They are rundown useless uses of academic potential, I deserve the fucking best.", I put my stuff on the counter. And open up the shower curtain turning it on the coldest setting. 'I'll let that run just in case there's any nasty shit in those old ass pipes.' I turn on the showerhead, closing the curtain. Stripping off my shirt and looking in the mirror. "Wow, I really need to hit the fucking gym or something, this is just pitiful." My body is still muscular, don't get it fucking twisted but my abdomen could use some more work. I still have my defined abs which is a goddamn blessing. I worked hard for that shit. I haven't been able to go to the gym through the whole moving process because Old Hag just HAD to have me there packing up the basement which was full of a bunch of useless junk. 

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