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Tommy was ready.he had everything he needed,including shroud.shroud wasn't grumpy tonight,as he was going outside.tommy could trust shroud to stay by him,but if he didn't then Tommy had the leash(not like he didn't warn shroud of the consequences if he didn't stick by Tommy).

Leaving the house was well as meeting Elijah,who had slept most of the day and woke up an hour before their meet time.meeting on the field,Tommy looked at shroud,who's shape shifted(Tommy still didn't know how he did that,or knew he could do that)into his more human like self.tommy put shroud in his jumper,and then Held his hand."don't worry,buddy.we'll be home soon enough."he said,and shroud hugged Tommy,making Tommy awe at the sight.

"we all set to go?"Elijah said,and Tommy nodded."as set as we could be.ready,shroud?"Tommy said,and shroud also,shroud was adorable."ok.we just walk past las Nevadas and to the village opposite,take the train and find a place to settle.right?"Elijah asked,and Tommy nodded."that's the plan,yeah."

They began walking,Tommy occasionally talking to shroud or picking him up because he was tired."how old is shroud?"Elijah asked,not stopping."I'm not sure,but he acts six,so maybe six?"Tommy said,putting shroud on his shoulders and still walking.they had reached the tree line,close to the haunted mansion Karl built."it seems we have a long way to go."Elijah said,changing the topic to their departure.

"Yeah.long way to home."Tommy said,glancing at the sky.through a gap in the trees,he saw the moon.dawn would be upon them in three or so hours.looking in front of him,Tommy noted how quiet it was.usually,Mobs would be swarming these dark woods,but there was none.he was glad there wasn't,as he didn't know what shrouds reaction to them would be."look on the bright side,my very presence scares away mobs."Elijah said,and Tommy chuckled."that's you doing that?"he said,and Elijah nodded.

Then,Tommy felt shroud droop down.looking up,he saw shroud very tired but trying to stay awake."shroud,if you're tired you can go to sleep.i won't force you to stay awake,I only needed you up to grab your things."Tommy said softly,and shroud smiled,doing his adorable little rawr before falling asleep.tommy took shroud of his shoulders,opting to carry him instead."this trip would be easier if we had a horse."Tommy remarked,jokingly."nah,I would just eat it.i'm peckish."he said,and Tommy turned to him in suprise.

"You eat that if you're peckish?!"he whisper shouted,and Tommy nodded."well,I would hate to see what you eat if you're hungry then."Tommy said,slight fear lacing his tone."chill,I wouldnt eat you.or shroud,for that matter.humans don't taste to nice."Elijah said,and Tommy laughed.shaking his head,they fell into a comfortable silence once more,the only sounds being their boots moving through the grass and shrouds soft snores.

Tommy had left a note back home,stapled to his was a very simple explanation that he left,wanting shroud to grow up away from there.he didn't mention Elijah,but he didn't need to.he also mentioned in the letter that he wouldn't like to be dragged back,as he was more than comfortable in his new home,wherever that may be.tommy inhaled,putting his dirt house out his mind.he hadn't brought his communicator,but he did have photos of him with everyone that he'd cherish forever.

He couldn't believe he was leaving,the home he'd had for years upon tears and he was leaving.for good.he didn't want to cry,but he couldn't help the tears that sprung to his eyes as he remembered everything from years before,the simplicity of it all and how he had no trauma,he didn't die,there wasn't wars...then,he realised he was crying.tears rolled down his cheeks,but he didn't stop moving.he didn't want to stay,even though he had so many good memories of the place.

Really,there were more bad than good memories.still,Tommy cried as he walked.he left gifts for the people he cared truth,he'd made gifts for everyone,even dream.he wrote them each an individual letter and said he forgave them all.he told them in the letter to make sure dream got his present.his final wish was that they all found peace after his departure.

When Tommy next Focused,he found himself climbing up the hills toward las nevadas.he had long since stopped crying,but he turned to Elijah to see how long he was thinking."Elijah?"he said,voice small."yes,Tommy?"he said,and Tommy breathed out." long was I thinking for?"he said,still climbing the steep hill with shroud still sleeping,how he wished to sleep and wake up at home,and all the trauma be nothing but a bad dream.

Elijah sighed."you started crying half an hour ago,and we got here twenty minutes into that.then,around ten minutes ago,you stopped crying.and then seemed to focus on what you were doing again."Elijah said,and spared a glance at Tommy."I..didn't want to interrupt seemed to be coming to terms with everything."he said,and Tommy nodded.

By now,they had reached the top of the hill,sneaking past las nevadas.tommy whispered a quiet goodbye as he passed it,and focused again on the path ahead.the walk down the hill was easier,and the trio were soon in the trees again.looking up at the sky,Tommy noticed it not there.he looked to the right of himself,spying the silver orb close to the horizon."yeah,we have around half an hour to get to the train station."seeing the look of shock and anxiety on Tommy's face,he quickly added"but we're only five minutes away from the village,a d they have trains going all the time,so we'll be fine."

Tommy nodded,hoping Elijah was right,and sure enough,five minutes later,they were at the village,equally as quiet.'eerie...' Tommy thought,as the trio walked through.eventually,around fifteen minutes later,they saw the train station.they had nine minutes until sunrise,and most didn't rise then.waiting for the train was a nightmare,and around eight minutes later,when the sun peaked just beyond the hill and the stars began to disappear,the train arrived.we'll be fine,it'll be three to four hours until we reach our destination."Elijah said,and Tommy smiled nervously.

They sat down,Tommy placing and strapping shroud in next to him,Elijah sitting opposite.they both strapped in,and their luggage was in the compartment above their heads.sighing,Tommy looked out the window.his last message had been to everyone.

You whisper to everyone:come to my house at dawn.i something to talk to you about.

Tommy watched as the train began to move,and the trees flash by,occasionally seeing a village or two pass."next stop,freedom."Tommy muttered,and closed his eyes,instantly falling into a deep sleep.

A/N:heyo!I hope you enjoyed this chapter,as I've been working on it non stop for the last hour or so!please take care of yourself,have a great day/night if you haven't already and I'll see you next upload!

(Also,if you want to see an update to a book,please tell me and I'll work on don't have too though)

Word count:
1269 words!

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