chapter eleven

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September 21st

She'd been avoiding him.

Not necessarily in a bad way he didn't think, but in an underlying form of embarrassment way. As though he'd just peeled back the pages of her heart, then read and retained every sentence with particular detail.

There was no point in closing it now; he'd already memorized the entire storyline.

Fiery glances shot across the potions classroom as they were dismissed, about to continue their usual routine of walking fifteen feet apart in their own friend groups on the way to defense against the dark arts.

He'd waited for her that night, and she returned to the common room in tears. This happened often, he noticed.

This time he didn't bother her, knowing she would shut him up and make things worse between them. Things didn't have to be incredible for them to be stable, and Draco refused to disturb that peace.

He would hear her dormitory door slam shut, and he'd begin counting.

After precisely fifteen minutes passed he excused himself from the couches, and returned to his room where he'd crouch down in front of the hole in the wall and view her salty tears.

'Are you okay?' He would press, and she would push him away every single time.

'Leave me alone,' it was the first time.

'Don't bother me,' the second.

'Shut the fuck up!' on the third.

Even though her harsh words were eroding his heart like ocean waves to the shore, Draco asked every single night. She couldn't reject him forever, he thought. Eventually she would have to give in.

Despite his patience, Draco was growing desperate.

He wanted to grab her wrists as she walked obliviously out of her dormitory, pin her to the wall and slam himself against her soft, plump lips, feel the heat on her gentle skin and make her moan with the workings of his tongue.

These fantasies only made it worse. He was in a near state of heartbreak, an addict ripped away from their drug and thrown into rehabilitation.

Blaise's conversations about her presence didn't help either.

They were in the common room, Blaise and Draco one couch whilst Pansy and Theodore snogged on the one besides them.

"We've been getting closer, Luna and I," Blaise continued proudly, staring down at the little pink and yellow flower bracelet on his wrist, "You think she talks about me to Granger? It's hard to tell with the amount of time she spends down here. I bet she says that I-"

"If I hear the word 'Granger' come out of your mouth one more time I'm gonna strangle you to death, Blaise," Draco snickered, trying not to laugh with him as he secretly sketched out Pansy grinding on Theodore's lap as a birthday present.

"If you ever get with Granger, you better not do this shit in front of my face," Blaise rolled his eyes in disgust, "I've already got my hands full with these two freaks."

"If you want a threesome just say so mate," Theodore murmured between kisses, squeezing Pansy's ass making her whimper.

"Like I said, disgusting," Blaise stood from his seat, heading for the stairs, "I'm going back to my room if you'd like to join me."

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐨Where stories live. Discover now