𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝑪𝒐𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒔! (Regulus Black x twin!sister!reader x Sirius Black)

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I'm listening to some sad songs, so why not write some good angst?

The reader is Regulus' younger twin sister.

House: Slytherin
Blood Status: Pure blood
Year: Sixth Year

(P.S Image above does not belong to me!! All credits go to the original owner!!)


This oneshot contains harsh words, violence and blood.

If any of the above mentioned make you uncomfortable, please skip this chapter.

Y/n's POV:

I looked up at Regulus, frowning at how defeated and tired he looked. I couldn't speak up; I looked exactly the same.

"Are we.. really.." I couldn't form a proper sentence.

"Yes.." he whispered.

I nibbled on my nails, casting my gaze to the door of our bedroom, knowing that behind that door and just four doors down, Deatheaters sat in a meeting. A meeting me and Regulus departed ourselves from, pretending to be ill.

"In a month or two, I'll be able to locate where the horcrox is. And when I do-"

"You'll destroy it?" I questioned, cutting him off.

He nodded, running a hand through his disheveled hair. It had gotten longer; it hung messily against his shoulders.

"What could it be?" I whispered, standing up.

He shrugged,"A book? I don't know."

His eyes trailed to my forearm and he gently grabbed it, trailing his skinny fingers over the mark.

"Does it still hurt?" He questioned.

"A little.." I looked at him,"Yours?"

He nodded slowly.

I sniffled, screwing my eyes shut.

"What.. happened, Reggie? W-when.. when did we.. why did we.." I sobbed, covering my mouth with my hand as a reflex.

Mother hated crying. Especially when I did. Not because it saddened her; it disgusted her. She didn't want me to appear weak or snivel over dumb things. Even though I knew me crying over this was no dumb thing.

Regulus pulled me into his chest, running his hands through my h/c, h/c hair as I cried into his shoulder.

Why did we become death eaters? No; why did I become one? I didn't need to. But..

I looked up at Regulus and I remembered. Right.

I didn't want my brother to go through this alone. When Sirius left, it took a huge tole on us both. I didn't want him to face anything alone after that.

I became a death eater for my brother, for Regulus, and Regulus only.

"..I miss Sirius.." I mumbled, sitting next to him on a loveseat infront of the fireplace.

He rubbed my hand, staring into the flames. The fireplace infront of us was the very one Sirius used the night he left.

"... me too.." he whispered, voice hoarse.

I tiredly gaze at him,"Do you think he misses us?"

His breathe hitched,"I.. don't know."

"..is it stupid that I still think.." I sniffled,"That he'll come through the fireplace and take us away?"

𝑰 𝑾𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒀𝒐𝒖 {Mᴜʟᴛɪ-ғᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ Oɴᴇsʜᴏᴛs} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now