𝑵𝒂𝒕𝒔𝒖 𝑨𝒑𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒔! (Shouyo Hinata x soft!taller!male!reader)

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Hello my little constellations! I present to you my first Hinata Shouyo one shot! Honestly, I hope this goes as well as I planned it to go! I just love this boy so, so much!💞

Also, I was inspired by the anime Gakugen Babysitters with this oneshot.

PS. Reader will be a second year from another school

(P.S. Art above does NOT belong to me! All credit goes to the original artist/owner!!)


Y/n's POV:

I hummed to myself as I cleaned up the aftercare room for the afternoon kids. The pastel orange apron I wore has my name tag in the corner and my school name. You may be wondering why a highschool student is babysitting, right?

Well, my school suggested it, since I didn't really like the other clubs. I wasn't really into physical sports or anything related to school. So, I tried out the after school program for kids a couple streets down a few months ago, and turns out I LOVE little kids!

Sure, they're loud and annoying but they're kids and you just have to make time for them. They're learning after all and I'm here to help them with that. Give them the attention and affection their parents can't give because of work.


I snapped my head up, coloring books and puzzles in my hands, only to see Luka-san, the owner and founder of the program, standing by the door of the room, shoes in hand and pink apron on.

"Ohayo, Luka-san!" I beamed at the male, putting four of each of the items on the tables.

"Ohaya. You're here early." He muttered, slinging his bag behind the door.

I hummed,"My history teacher left and I had a free period, so, I decided to just come here and help you set everything up."

Luka sniffed, placing a hand over his chest,"You're so kind, L/n-san!"

I rolled my e/c eyes, moving over to the cubbies to see if nothing from the morning session was left behind and nothing was.

Just than, the door slammed open, showing three, small blue haired boys with bright yellow eyes stood there, a petite female behind.

"N/n-kun!!" They all screamed excitedly.

My eyes landed on them and I smiled, crouching down with open arms,"Kou, Kataro, Killua!"

They all darted towards me, slamming into me as they wrapped their arms around my body, or tried to, as I laughed, returning the hug and patting their heads.

"N/n-kun! We missed you!!" They all beamed.

"I missed you too," I looked down at them, smiling softly,"Now,why don't you go take your shoes off and put your bags away and than we'll play once everyone gets here!"

The all hummed, running to the cubbies as they greeted Luka as well. I smiled, before standing up and walking towards the blue haired female.

"How are you, Kuname-san?" I questioned.

She smiled,"I'm good. The boys really like you."

I chuckled, rubbing the nape of my neck,"I'm glad, it would've been a bit awkward if they didn't."

She giggled, turning in her heel and waving,"I'll pick them up at six!"

(Thirty minutes later)

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