coffee and cuddles (ShinDeku)

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Shinsou has moved into the 1a dorms in this chapter

After classes and dinner, I retreated to my room to avoid interacting with people. Laying down on my bed I decided to mindlessly scroll through an app before getting bored and moving to another one. By the time I was out of things to do on my phone it was 1:12 am. Thank god it was the weekend and we didn't have school tomorrow.

Giving up on things to do to entertain my brain I decided to try and sleep. Keyword: try. I didn't end up sleeping more than 30 minutes before my brain was filled with nightmares. I check the time again and its 1:46 am.

Fuck it. I'm getting coffee.

I carefully make my way downstairs to the kitchen and turning on the light. Hopefully I didn't wake anyone up, I'm not exactly in the mood to deal with people. 

Finishing with setting up the coffee maker I dig around the cupboard to choose the mug I want to use. I found a purple and black one that I'm 70% sure is Jirou's. I should really get my own mug sometime soon. While waiting for the coffee to be done I freeze as I hear the floor creaking behind me.

"Shinsou?" damn it "What're you doing up?" I turn to see a sleepy looking Midoriya standing in the dark entrance to the kitchen with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders.

"I could ask you the same thing" I say.

"I couldn't sleep so I wanted to get some coffee"

"So am I, I'll make you some" I offered moving to the cabinet I got my temporary mug from.

"You don't have to!" he said following me further in the kitchen.

"Too bad I'm making you one" I say as I grab another mug from the cabinet. It was an All Might one that I'm 99% sure is his.

"T-thank you! Would you mind if I just hung out here with you?" He asked while fiddling with the edges of his blanket "You don't have to if you'd rather go back to your room! I totally get it if you do-"

"Sure" I said, cutting him off. I know I said I wasn't in the mood to talk to people but that doesn't count Midoriya. I don't mind him. He helps me take my mind off things with his ramblings. Also he's also the cutest thing in the goddamn world, why would I mind him? If not that I'm oddly comfortable around him.

"How do you like your coffee?" I ask pulling out the sugar from another cupboard "I normally put one or two sugars" 

"Um at least 3 sugars and cream" he said, looking a bit awkward standing there while fiddling with his blanket.

"I figured" I said as I went to the fridge to get the cream "You're kinda sweet" Either I'm seeing things or I just saw him blush out of the corner of my eye as I was looking for the cream.

After coffee was made we went to the living room and sat at one of the couches, both of us being at each end. A bit awkward at first but it turned into a comfortable silence as we sat there drinking our coffee.

"So um why're you up?" He asked after a few minutes "you don't have to answer if you don't want to!"

"It's okay. I couldn't sleep because I had nightmares. It's nothing new, I have them all the time" I say, drinking from my mug.

"Oh.... Do you want to talk about it? It always helps me to talk about it so maybe it's the same for you?" he suggested.

"I'd rather not"

"Well then.. do you want to cuddle? Cuddling has always made me feel better" he offered, clearly a bit nervous but wanting to help Shinsou feel better outweighing the nervousness he was feeling.

"Sure" I say. 

Midoriya crawled over from the other end of the couch to me. He gently moved my arms away as he laid on my chest, his head tucked under my chin.

This is nice, can we be like this all the time? 

"Umm.. I-Is this okay?" he asked. 

"Yeah" I say as I wrap my arms around his stomach. "You good down there?" 

"Y-yeah" he said as he shifted a bit to get in a more comfortable position, "let me know if you need me to move" he said. 

It was nice as we laid there on the couch. I could hear his gentle breathing and I'm pretty sure he could hear my heartbeat. Thinking about how close we are is probably making it beat faster.

"Hey Shinsou?" he asks after a while of just laying there.


"Do you wanna.. go back to your room t-to try and sleep?" he asks.

I think about it for a moment. Do I want to leave? This is really my only chance of being this close to Midoriya unless I specifically ask him, which I probably can't do because I'm too socially awkward for my own good. 

"I'd rather stay here and cuddle you" I say as we go back to peaceful silence.

"Why?" he asks after a minute.

"Because you're nice to cuddle with and I like you so why wouldn't I stay?" 

He turned around and stared at me "Y-you do? I just thought you were annoyed at anyone who talks to you"

"Well first off you don't annoy me, you're cute, your ramblings are adorable to me and I don't know why but I feel comfortable around you. And... I may have a crush on you" I say. Why did I even say that? Welp not much I can do now that I said it. At least it's off of my chest now.

"R-really? I like you too!" he says even more flustered than before. 

"Does this mean we're dating now?"

"If you want to!"Midoriya said "But I think we should go on an actual date sometime"

"We can figure that out later I'm perfectly happy with cuddles" I say, closing my eyes while we cuddle together.

If anyone asks, no we did not fall asleep on the couch cuddling which ended up with Mina taking photos which ended up with most of the hero course knowing. That would be embarrassing. Totally didn't happen. Nope.

I struggled with this because i can't write romantic feelings for the life of me as an aro(?)/ace person. I ended up with the head canon that Shinsou was ace and it kinda helped. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it regardless. 

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