roller coasters(TodoKami)

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(A/N)Hey yall! thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy this chapter!Thank you user Player1083 for requesting this! it took awhile to write but I had fun!


One day class 1A decided to take a trip to an amusement park. At some point Mina got all of our phone numbers and put us in a group chat which then got the Bakusquad talking about fun things to do as a class. After a while the class was divided between an amusement park or the roller drum. It was put to a vote and amusement park won by 2 votes. For some reason Iida agreed to it and helped to set it up with everyone and organize a good date to have it on.

It was suggested to be paired up with a buddy and I don't know who to pick. My friend group paired with each other and I was the odd man out. Uraraka and Iida were buddies and Midoriya paired with Shinsou. I would like to buddy up with Momo but she was already paired with Jirou. Now I had no one I really knew to buddy with and the trip is in a few days.

I started to think about who was available. I had 19 classmates and I just eliminated 6 as they were paired with each other. Hagakure and Ojiro, Mina and Sero, Kirishima and Bakugou, Tokoyami and Shoji, and Sato and Koda were pairs. The ones unpaired left was me, Tsuyu, Kaminari and Aoyama. They don't care who they get paired with and to be fair neither do I. Aoyama's company doesn't particularly catch my attention as he can be a bit much sometimes. Tsuyu is pretty chill and I really like that about her but I kinda wanna partner up with Kaminari. He seems like he has the right energy for going to an amusement park. I know I'm not very expressive but I think Kaminari can do most of that for both of us.

I think this could be a good trip. Nezu and Hound Dog have told me to expand my friend group to try and help me open up. I think it has to do with my trauma making me not want to change things in my close circle and what I'm used to. But maybe because I see Kaminari all the time in class and the dorms it could work out. I enjoy his company and he makes me feel warm so why not try to have him in my close circle?

After deciding that I left my dorm to find Kaminari. I know I can technically text him to ask but I only have his number because of the group chat, it feels weird to text him if he didn't give me his number himself. I first checked the common room as he can often be seen playing games with his friends, and really anyone that wanted to join, using the TVs there instead of the one in his room. When I got down there the TV was off and he wasn't on either of the couches. He must be in his room then.

I go up to his room and knock on his door.

"Hold on! I'm coming!" I could hear a few footsteps before the door opened. "Oh hey 'Roki! What's up?" Kaminari asked. He was in a Pikachu onesie. He looked up at me then down on himself and his face turned red. Was it warmer out here in comparison to in his room? My quirk isn't active so why did his face turn red? Whatever, I'll ask about it later. I came here for a reason.

"Would you like to be partners for the amusement park trip?" I tilt my head in question. "Sure!" He practically yells before clearing his throat "Um I mean okay" he smiles and tucks some hair behind his ear.

I smile back and nod in confirmation before waving goodbye and walking back to my room. Now it's time to wait for the day of the trip to come.


When the day of the trip arrived I woke up early to get ready. I've never been to an amusement park before and I really wanted to try out all that I can. I looked online for a map of the amusement park we were going to. It was called All Might Land. I know it sounds like a knock off Disney but Aizawa wouldn't authorize a Disney trip so this is the next best option.

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