nightmares suck(Toko/Koda)

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As they're already dating as the story start I'm going to have them call each other by their first names Koda is called Kouji by Tokoyami and Tokoyami is called Fumi or Fumikage by Koda. Make sense?

Thank you user RandomYellow on ao3 for the request! I hope you like it!

Also this one does get a little sad as things do when dealing with nightmares so TW: Nightmares and talk of death


I woke up to the sounds of heavy breathing and crying. Turning around in the bed I saw that my boyfriend was the one making the sound. His back was to me but I could still see him shaking. Fumikage was probably having a nightmare again. He's been having them a lot recently with all that's been happening with our classmates.

I move closer to Fumi as he continued to be effected by the nightmare. I wrap my arms around him to help calm him down in his sleep. Most of the time it helps if I cuddle him but sometimes the nightmares are too much and he wakes up anyway. Looks like this is one of those nights.

Fumi opened his eyes and turned so that he was facing me and buried his face in my chest. He cried in my chest while I held him close. After a few minutes his crying died out to sniffles and uneven breathing. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask. Sometimes talking about his nightmares makes it easier to process that it wasn't real and sometimes it isn't necessary.

"Not yet" He whispered back.

"Do you want to watch a movie and then talk about it or do you just want more cuddles and then talk about it when you're ready?" I offered.

"Just cuddles" He said snuggling even closer to me. Dark Shadow hadn't come out at all since he woke up. I guess they got scared by the nightmare too.

"Okay I can do that" I said, pulling him in a more comfortable position.

"Thank you my heart" he said. It feel into gentle quiet with only the sound of our breathing. I liked when we just quietly cuddled with each other. I enjoy when we do activities together but there's something peaceful and domestic about cuddling that calms me.

After a few moments Fumi broke the quiet. "This time the majority of our class had been killed on a mission. You were one of the ones that survived. We fought until only you and I stood. I took a shot for you and after you defeated the villain you held me in your arms crying and pleading that I'd stay awake. I died in your arms" As Fumi talked about his nightmare tears started welling up and pouring out again. I gently wiped away his tears and said "Its okay. That didn't happen, no one died, especially not you"

"I know but what if one day that does happen to us? Its very likely considering our career." Fumi said anxiously. He's always been the one to think the worst. His depression doesn't help that.

"Well then lets make sure that doesn't happen. Do our best to become stronger then the villains we fight" I tried to calm him with a plan to avoid that possibility. Being optimistic.

Fumi took a deep breath in to help calm him. "You're right. Thank you Kouji." He smiled at me. At this time Dark Shadow appeared and nuzzled my face before drifting around the room.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" I suggested.

"Sure" And with that we moved to a more comfortable position and I opened my laptop.

We ended up spending the rest of the night watching Disney movies, singing, or screaming in Dark Shadows case, to all of the songs and cuddling together before falling asleep. Nightmares suck but cuddling together because of it is pretty nice. 


(A/N)This was a shorter one but I had a good time writing it. It's different then my other one shots and I like that. Feels softer somehow, sweeter. 

anyway let me know what you think, if you have any requests or if there are any grammar/spelling mistakes

Word count: 579

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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