poems (TokoDeku)

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One day I found an envelope at my door when I was going to enter my dorm. The envelope was a dark green almost black color with a wax seal that was a bright emerald green. Picking it up I set down on my desk wondering who it came from and what it is.

Carefully opening it the envelope contained a folded sheet of paper with handwriting on it. Upon reading what the paper said I realized it was a poem. 

"You are smart, analyzing, thinking, noticing.

Seeing the good in everyone.

Thinking of ways to help them.

Beautifully finding ways to do the impossible.

Such is hard to ignore.

To be your focus for a mere moment, a blessing.

I love thy brain and heart.

The most important organs, yours made of gold."

It was a lovely poem and I thought it was quite flattering. I didn't think anyone would ever like me for my brain. I always thought I annoyed other people when I analyzed or thought out loud but apparently this person doesn't think so. Unfortunately it wasn't signed nor did I recognize the handwriting. 

Putting the poem back in its envelope and placing it on one of my desk shelves I started thinking about who could've written it. 

It probably wasn't any of my close friends. Iida was straight, Uraraka is dating Tsuyu and Todoroki is only interested in Sero. And besides none of them can write poetry or never the less a love poem. 

So 4 out of my 19 classmates are out so far. Bakugou is out as he's dating Kirishima and absolutely despises me. Kaminari and Shinsou have crushes on each other but neither have made a move yet. Mina, Momo and Jirou are lesbians. Hagakure and Ojiro were dating since the first week of school. 13/19 are out so that leaves Sero, Aoyama, Shoji, Koda, Tokoyami and Sato. 

Sato isn't interested in anyone, only cake. Aoyama has so high standards that most aren't even on his radar. 15/19 are out then. I have no idea what kind of person Sero is interested in but I really hope it's not me so that Todoroki can have a chance with him. So because of that I'm choosing to not consider Sero on the roster of who could've written it.  

All of the remaining three could've written it as I've seen them write poetry but none of them love poems. Koda writes poems about nature, Shoji writes about human nature and senses and Tokoyami writes a lot about death and legends. I couldn't reasonably say which one wrote it so I decided to stop thinking about it for now until I got more evidence.

The next day I kept wondering who wrote it and found myself looking at each of them. I don't have a preference for who wrote it, I like all of them. They're all good people and I feel fairly comfortable with each of them. I wouldn't mind trying out a relationship with any of them. 

The day went by and I found another poem at my door when I came back from my after school work out. It was in the same color envelope as last time. The poem was similar to the first one but more focused on my analysis instead of my general brain. I enjoyed reading it and I got to analyze the poem about my analysis. I put it with the other poem on my desk shelf and went to finish my homework before going to bed. 

It continued like that for almost 2 weeks with a new poem every other day. I now had 6 poems, all in a dark green envelope with an emerald seal, sitting on one of my shelves. My friends started noticing them after I had 3 on my desk when we had a study session in my room. I didn't think to tell them when I got the first one because I thought of it as my own mystery to solve. We paused our study session briefly as I told them about it and my thoughts of who it could be. Soon after they started asking if I got any poems that day and what not. 

Me and my friends were doing another study session in the common room. We were sitting at a coffee table with a few other people lounging on the couches. Mostly the Bakusquad crowded around one of the couches with various controllers and games in their hands. When we decided to take a break Uraraka asked me "Hey did you get another one yet? It's been a few days hasn't it?" 

"I haven't checked yet but there's probably one at my door" I responded.

"Wait what's your door?" Kaminari asked sitting on one of the nearby couches, pulling his attention from the Switch in his hands. I froze and started panicking on whether or not I should tell them. Thankfully Iida took the liberty of answering for me.

"Midoriya has been receiving poems at his door for a few weeks now" he informed the common room. I'm glad he didn't specify what kind of poems they were I don't really want the Bakusquad to know. I love them, they're great but they're so nosy. They probably won't dig into it. 

Mina's eyes sparkled at that "What kind of poems? Do you know who's sending them?" I take back everything I said. 

"W-well they're just-" I started. "Love poems" Todoroki interrupted, not realizing what he started "We don't know who wrote them" 

Mina gasped "Can we-" 

"No you can't read them!" I rushed to gather my things and left for my room. I do not want to be a part of this. 

I went up the stairs to my floor and saw Tokoyami walking into his room. I don't think much of it until I look at my door and see another dark green envelope in front of it. The timing is just too perfect for me to think it's a coincidence. I pick up the new poem and enter my room. Opening the envelope I read the newest poem. Just like the rest it's absolutely lovely. I put the poem back in the envelope and set it with the rest. 

I started thinking about what happened earlier in the hallway. It has to be Tokoyami then right? Now that I suspect him I think I saw him glance at me more often in class and training. Before I start overthinking I decide to just ask him. It's not the end of the world if he didn't write it besides I need a solid answer before I go insane from thinking about this too much. 

I leave my room and walk down the hall to Tokoyami's door and knock. It takes a few moments for him to open the door but once he does he looks somewhat surprised to see me. "Greetings Midoriya what can I do for you?" 

"Um, could I come in? I'd like to ask you something" I said.

"Of course" He stepped aside to let me in and closed the door after I entered. "What's on your mind?" He gestured for us to sit on his bed. One seated I just came out and said what was on my mind. "Have you been writing me poems?" 

"Well-" he started. "HA Fumi got found out!" Dark Shadow interrupted, laughing for a moment before Tokoyami sighed and elaborated. "Yes I have been writing love poems to you. If you would like me to stop I can." He looked away before continuing. "I just wanted to get my feelings out in some way before I regret not telling you later in life. I don't expect you to return my feelings."

I shook my head "No I really like the poems, I think they're lovely" 

"Really?" He looked back at me, slightly surprised. 

"Yeah! Most people in my life think that my analysis and muttering are creepy and I'm really flattered that you like that part of me" I smile at him. 

"It's what makes you unique" He said in return, kindly smiling back at me. 

"Thank you" I said. After a moment I continued "You know I wouldn't mind if we went on a date and see where that leads us" I gently took one of his hands. 

"It'd be my pleasure" He raised my hand and kissed the back of it. "So where would you like to go?"

I thought for a moment and said "How about the library?" 


let me tell you that writing the first poem was a struggle. It's hard for me to express romantic emotions so tell me what you thought of it! I'm also thinking of making a part 2 of this where they actually go on their library date. Let me know if you want me to write it. Your comments help motivate me to write. 

Have a good day/night! 

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