Chapter 3

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-Book 2-

-Chapter 3. -

          “Okay its Leona’s group of followers. They want you two to be separate because then you two are not as strong if you two where no longer together.” Janice said very scared if they may have heard her. At that moment, before Tom or Elle could reply to her, she vanished just disappeared. “What happened?” Tom was shocked. “Where did she go?” Tom asked looking at Elle. “Hum, maybe they have someone with a special power? I think we should go now!” She said looking around seeing if she sees someone and did not look like there was anyone. “Yea I think you’re right let’s get out fast!” He said, they walked fast to the car and started it. They got to the hotel when all of a sudden when tom looks over Elle was gone; she was walking behind him and now no more. “ELLE! WHERE ARE YOU? WHERE YOU HAVE GONE!” He screamed. Then someone bumped into him, he gave him a note and went away Tom looked at it and looked around to see if he can find who bumped him but no luck. Tom opened the note and started to read, ‘Dear Tom, If you like to have your girlfriend back you will do all of the following: First you will go to the address I put on the bottom of the letter and kill this guy names Yuri. Then you will get what you have to do once you have completed that. If you want your girlfriend safe and unharmed but you better do it fast.” Tom was in shock that this was happening. But he recognized the handwriting; it was his old friend that kept stealing all his girlfriends. Tom got pissed but did what he said so he got into his car and drove to the direction, which was going to take two hours to get there. He noticed a black Audi was following him, and then he knew it was his old friend car. He wants to make sure he is actually going to do it, now he wasn’t sure if he wanted to kill this man that he has never met before. How does he know if he did anything to deserve this fate, or maybe he did? He did not like not knowing, Yuri that well or even at all.

           He got to the house and looks like Yuri wasn’t home so he parked a few blocks down so he wouldn’t notice. He got into the house from the back he looked around the house to see who was this Yuri person was. He found a picture and once he saw who it was he was in shock.  He use to go to his high school but then he disappeared all of a sudden after an incident happened. He was a very nice vampire that did not hurt anyone; he drank animal’s blood. But one day there were talks all around the school about someone telling a human about vampires and in fact they put the blame on Yuri when it wasn’t true that was also around the time of his disappearance too. Tom heard the news from his old friend, who was named Ryu, Tom wonders if he did something to him or threatened him in some way. But then why would he want him dead, then he saw another picture, which was recent, and it was with Ryu’s sister, Ady. That’s why he wants him dead he thought, “hello?” The voice came from behind Tom, He swirled around to see Yuri right in front of him. “Hey Yuri, remember me?” Tom asked him, Yuri looked at him thinking. “Yes I do remember you but we never talked. So why are you here then?” Yuri was curious and noticed what picture he was looking at and then he looked back at Tom wide eyed, “You can to kill me, am I right?” He said frightened. Tom came closer to him and whispered, “Yes but I do not wish to they got my girlfriend and the only way they said I can get her back safely is by killing you.” Tom trying to not get too upset about it; Yuri was sympathetic with him, “Okay then don’t I have a friend that can get us to where he is hiding your girlfriend but that would mean us leaving this house and I don’t think they will like that.” Yuri said thinking how to get out with out setting off alarms. Then it came to him, “You can carry me like I am dead to dispose the body, and then leave with me at the back seat. That is perfect!” Yuri was excited then noticed Tom was confused. “So you’re going to fake it?” Tom said, “How?” He raised one eyebrow and crossed his hands.  “You will see.” Yuri replied.

          Tom could not believe Yuri actually did look like he was dead, he put on make up that he thought he should look like and got the knife in which Tom used. “So okay now I will go limp and you carry me to your car. I know its going to be weird but it’s a shot right?” He said, and then Tom remembered, “I parked blocks down though.” Yuri was thinking, “Oh you can take my care then, the keys are right here.” He showed him and then the phone rang. “You should pick it up Tom since I am dead.” He said. Tom picked up the phone, “Hello?” He heard the other person breathe and he knew who it was. “Hi Tom, wanted to see if u did what I asked?” Ryu said. “Yes I did, now where can I get my girl?” Tom said very convincingly which Tom indicated Yuri to go on the ground in case someone checked it he was telling the truth. Which did happen, “Good, Now go to the direction where the note outside says, oh and I should add I already fucked her, how did you like it Elle?” Ryu said handing the phone to Elle, “It’s a trap Tom!” He hit her “Owe” Then Ryu quickly away, “Now do what I say or she is dead next!” He hung up the phone. Tom was in shock; he could not believe Ryu did his girlfriend. He hung the phone up, went outside to get the note, and then he grabbed the keys and started the car. He then went to get Yuri, put him in the back and went out of the driveway and left speeding. “Okay you go straight from here then in like three hours we should be at the destination if he is at that warehouse, why are you in shock?” Yuri asked. “He did my girlfriend, and it’s a trap she said.” Tom replied. Yuri got angry he never liked Ryu, “That would just be him to do that. Don’t worry Tom I will help you get your girl back, Promise!” He said patting Tom’s shoulder.

          They reached to the place and saw indeed the guy that Yuri was saying is here. “So what is this person?” Tom asked while both getting out of the car. “His name is Norris. He can transport us to anywhere we want; oh he is a wizard too. There are a few wizards now a days more witches are being born.” Yuri explained as the got into the warehouse. They saw he was in the office, so they went up the stairs Yuri went in first and before they got in, they heard him talking on the phone. “Now Ryu, don’t worry if they come here I will make sure they are taken care of and you promise you give me the reward for it right?” Norris said then a pause then he replied, “Good, see you when the deed is done.” He hung up the phone and they saw he was alone. Tom busted in which surprised Norris. “Where is Ryu and my girlfriend?” He was holding his neck. “I wont tell you but I will kill you!” Norris said, He kicked tom off him, then lunged at him with knife in hand. He stabbed him once before Yuri grabbed him and pinned him to the ground, Tom grabbed his stomach and kneeled down, in pain. Yuri noticed and hit five times till Norris was out. “Are you okay? Do we need to go to the hospital? Can you make it?” Yuri was concerned. Tom looked at the wound, it was right next to his left rib and he wasn’t bleeding a lot the knife wasn’t that big, but the pain was unbearable. “I can manage I need to save my girlfriend she cant wait for me to go to the hospital.” He got up and only thought about Elle and how she is being strong for him, so he was going to be strong for his true love. “Lets do this.” Tom said.

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