among ass

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                                                                          ( the next day)

as i walked along the corodor my toes slapping the ground to get to admin wondering why i hadent made much more friends ''how is it possible'' i thought to myself ''im the hottest person i funny...have great music taste. i think taylor and dora just cant handle all this sexyness, i mean-'' i stop i n my tracts when i see my arch nemosis on the ground b-headed.

it was minho.

''dam'' i said in my sexy morning voice. ''DaYM" i said in a proud, lady killing, flirty, ever so cheeky voice. now that that meanhoes dead dora will be devistated, so she will run to me and i will comfort her in my huMANGUS ab inplanted arms. after i sadly awoken from my day dream about the future in a couple dreadfull minutes,  i press report button placed over minhos ugly  body.  

the chat fills with ''where'' ''i was in eclectrical'' ''ngl orange is sus''

and then my brown orbs fill with sadness but also a look of hope when i see dora says ''i dont know how i can play without minho.''

i put a gorgugly sexy smirk on my face and then type in the chat with my buttery chubby nubs as fingers. ''i will help you dora <3''


''OK chumps voting time'' andrew says 

they all voted in silence not sure why but no one got kicked, everyone skipped exept for me cuz i aint no wuss, i voted for taylor.

after the voting session gets skipped we all go back to our tasks. for somereason i am very scared so unlike before i BOOK IT FOR INTERCOMS, my toes slapping the ground and making a louder slapping sound then  useall but my then i relise its not my toes this time, i hear it coming from behind me, i dont look behind i just run faster and faster ''im next, this is my fait'' i think to myself while running from the noise behind me, i have run from intercom all they way to cafatiria just before i press the emergansie button i slow down, but i noticed as i slow down the sound goes away. that doesnt sound very good i said in a huffy puffy most deep volumtiouse voice, the sound of silence scared me, so i ran again ignoring the report butting as i will for sure die if i press it, theres no time i ran and ran, but i hear the sound of slapping toes along the hard cold soulless floor, im very tired of running but dora is into runners so...

i use the last of my big boy energy.

and run to intercoms. big big mistake before i turn around i relise im trapped hes propbably got me cornered. so i turn around in terror, and then... NO ONE no one is behind me. i think to myself '' i have been speared'' so without hesistation i run out of intercom but the noise begins again, i turn around this time but again no ones there, then i realise...'' im an idiot''

it wasent the imposter

it was my plump ass. 

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