Sussy beginnings

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(William's POV)

I blink my Dazzling hazelnut, unsettlingly deep, sweetly intense, uncommonly liquid, large orbs.

Looking to the side all I can see is Grey dusty surfaces and blurs of color dancing around kinda like just after I smoke weed. My head banged harder than a sledge hammer inside my intense ly brilliant and gorgeous head. he sees a blur of brillaint colour only to look up and spot an angel with light shimmering around it "is that you god?" i speak in my natural deep mascuilane voice.

the angle looked down on me and chuckled gorguesly ''well i mean i am prettyyyyy..."

"who are you ?" i say as my sleepy husky hot voice echos through my vocal cords

"im aston"  he says as he flicks his hair to the right dramaticaly, anf reaches put a gloved pink hand with his sweaty stringy fingers.

i grasp a spider looking hand and shake in it greeting, just as i do i regret it as his sweat gets on my glove i revmove my hand and wipe it on my suit whiche i notice is a brillant shimering red. i tuck my long macsular legs from the ground and levitate onto my sexy toes so i was standing into an upright position as i glance behind the pink angle with the sweaty spider fingers i see a bunch of shimmering hues. a couple standing togher conversing over somthign that sounded important, there was one feminine looking person in a suit with their helment already on i watch in awe as she typed on the computer changing her accesesories to t,p to a beuatiful flower crown "tehe"  she whispeers to herself in her high pitched gorgouse voice.

she was escpiacly short she seems to be standing 3'9ft "so cute" i thought to myself i must converse with this beatiful being so i can tell her all about how esp[ecialy atractive i am and we shouls get married and have about 10 babys named.    ben. aflack. tod. uncle sebastian. william jnr. casey. racheal. rylee. mikasa. josh.

"sorry but im already starstruck by a handsome sarcastic narsisistic hottie, minho" she sqweacked as she noticed me staring at her troll like physyce.

 "oi you ugly shuck" i hear a gruff alpha male tone from behind my back, "Thats my pipsqueak you'rw squealingm to you loser. RawRRrrrr" He bars his teeth and growls menacingly.

I turn around to face this superior alpha male and stumble backwrds in pure fear and horror "I-I-i-i-i-i-i-i-i i'm-m-m s-s-s-o so s-s-s-s-orry-y-y" I gasp as i stumble backwards into the teeny tiny 3'9 oompa loompa sized female.

She squeaked and punched my tumbling 6'1 body in self defence, but she could only reach my ass so she stuck my left cheek with surprising force that sent me hurdling into a bright Tangarine toned space man suit, The mascular body inside the bright suit caught me, i could feel his strong toned arms grasping my waist, stopping me from hitting my gourgous chiseled jawbone on his rock hard abs. 

"i-i-i--i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i i'm so-o-o s-s-s-s-orrry s-s-s-s-ir" i stuttered in a fruity voice while releasing a breath i didn't know i was holding. i looked up and saw a jawline that would make my knives nervous and above the jawline was one of the most handsomest human faces i had ever laymy salty gooey, deep, shimmering, dazzling brown orbs apon.

"I see you're our latest reqruit, don't worry you will get used to everything soon enough lad." His voice was sweet to my ears and made me feel safe and cosy. His arms releaced me from their warm embrase, i frowned. 

"Who are you?" i asked in the most confident voice i could muster after litterally standing in front of the hottest man to possibly live.

"I'm Andrew, Andrew Garfeild." He smiled with his perfectly straight teeth, making my headache magically go away cause he was simply so magical.

He placed his hand on the small of my back and sytarted pointing out different people. He was like the fatherly figure i never had, the guiding spirit helping me to my side quests in som RPG.

"The one in the pink is Aston, the purple is dora (live action version dw), black is Minho- hes incharge around here, dark blue is Lily, Yellow is Rylee, Lime is Courtney, Cyan is Taylor swift and Light blue is Newt- Newt really hot btw no homo" 

"Yeah i gathered that" My deep moist dirty soupy mud coloured hues blinked and looked at each of the figures in turn.  Just as i gathered myself to go and talk to the lanky pink dude some red light started flashing a countdown from 10.

"QUICK GO STRAP YOURSELF INTO THOSE CHAIRS" The husky alpha male voice rung out. Everyoen galloped to their seats and strapped in just intime for the final countdown.





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